Coursework Performance Tracking
- 1 What are Coursework Performance Standards?
- 2 Timeline
- 3 How to use GradPoint to locate a student’s GPA, Incomplete Grades, and Academic Standing
- 4 Instructions for Following up on Incomplete Grades to see if they should be extended
- 5 Instructions for identifying NR grades and 12 or more Incomplete grades
*Please note that the term academic ‘warning’ was previously referred to as academic ‘probation’.
What are Coursework Performance Standards?
Graduate students need to maintain certain minimum standards set by the Academic Senate. These include a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and no more than 12 incomplete units. The Graduate Division is tasked with tracking these standards. Details about this procedure can be read on our website here.
Week 5 of quarter
Follow up on missing progress plans (Staff Grad Advisors)
Week 9 of quarter
Follow up on current quarter incomplete grades to see if they should be extended (Staff Grad Advisors)
Week 1 of quarter
Run report for NRs and contact faculty to enter grades (Staff Grad Advisors)
Coursework Performance Tracking | How to run the Student Incomplete Report to identify NR grades
Week 1 of quarter
Run reports to look for 12+ inc and contact students to clear it up (Staff Grad Advisors)
Week 3 of quarter
Graduate Division will send warning notifications to any students with cum GPA below 3.0 or 12 or more units of incomplete grades. Students will be placed on warning status, and be directed to submit academic progress plans.
How to use GradPoint to locate a student’s GPA, Incomplete Grades, and Academic Standing
Individual student’s cumulative GPAs and total number of incomplete units can be located in the Student Summary Box within the Student Profile. See for more specific information.
You can run reports in GradPoint Reports tab that will return all students GPA, grades, and incomplete units.
For cumulative GPA, quarter GPA, and all grades (including slicers to identify low grades only), please see the Report.
For incomplete grades, total incomplete units (including the specific courses), please see the Report.
Instructions for Following up on Incomplete Grades to see if they should be extended
(to be done by Staff Grad Advisors)
During week 9 of each quarter, Staff Grad Advisors should run the Student Incomplete Report to identify NG/NR/I grades that students have for that quarter, because those grades will lapse into U/F at the end of the quarter if not reconciled or extended. Students with I grades should be contacted with instructions on how to extend the I grade if needed. NR/NGs cannot be extended, unless the students submits both the incomplete grade and incomplete extension for to the Office of the Registrar.
How to run the Student Incomplete Report to identify all incomplete grades
Navigate to Reports Tab in GradPoint Academics
Select the Academic Performance & Standing Report Set
Make sure the Student Incomplete Report is selected
Make sure that All is selected from the Grade Slicer and the Quarter slicer so that you see all types of incompletes from all quarters
You can filter further by selecting the type of incomplete (I, NG, NR) from the Grade slicer
Contact students with incompletes and urge them to reconcile them or extend them. Student email addresses are included on the report to help with the contacting process.
Instructions for identifying NR grades and 12 or more Incomplete grades
During week 1 of each quarter, Staff Grad Advisors should run the Student Incomplete Report to identify two issues;
No Records (NR) grades
NR indicates that the instructor of record has not reported grades at all for that course, which usually means that the instructor didn’t enter grades by the grading deadline. Often times instructors forget to enter grades for their independent study courses, and need a reminder.
Students with 12 or more incompletes
Students who still have 12 or more incompletes (I, NG, NR) by census will be placed on monitoring status. Usually most of these cases are errors, and are cleared up by the student or instructor when contacted, so we want this done prior to the student needing to be placed on monitoring status.
How to run the Student Incomplete Report to identify NR grades
Navigate to the Student Incomplete Report in GradPoint Reports
Select the quarter (if you are in the first week of spring quarter, choose winter quarter to return incomplete grades from winter quarter). NOTE: if a particular quarter is not available as an option in the drop down list, it means there are no students with incompletes for that quarter
Select NR from the Grade slicer (if none of your students have NR grades, then NR will not appear in the dropdown)
4. Contact the instructors of record for the courses with NR grades and direct them to report grades as soon as possible.
How to run the Student Incomplete Report to identify students with 12 or more Incomplete grades
Navigate to the Student Incomplete Report in GradPoint Reports
Select the quarter (if you are in the first week of spring quarter, choose winter quarter to return incomplete grades from winter quarter). NOTE: if a particular quarter is not available as an option in the drop down list, it means there are no students with incompletes for that quarter
Select Y in the 12> Incom slicer (if none of your students have 12 or more incompletes, then the Y will not appear in the box)
Contact the students on the list and ask them to clear the incompletes if they are mistakes (such as submitting final paper, or if it is the instructor’s mistake, asking the instructor to enter the grade, etc). Any student with 12 or more incompletes by 3rd week census will be placed on monitoring status.
Student emails are included on the report to make contact easier