Graduate Division Review (Step 5 and Step 6)

Graduate Division Review (Step 5 and Step 6)

Graduate Division Staff will do a final review for Steps 5 and 6, if needed.

Step 5 is the Language Check:

  • This step is automatically skipped (we refer to it as “auto completed”) if there were no language requirements entered. The workflow will be approved if no review is required on the Grad Div level.

  • If a language requirement was entered, this step is triggered, and requires Graduate Division staff to review it to make sure the language requirements were entered properly (double checking that the Languages are spelled right, etc).

Step 6 is the Final Review:

  • If the student has all green checks on their Advancement Check, then Step 6 will be autocompleted and the system will immediately advance the student to candidacy by sending their Qualifying Exam date and language information (if any) to SREG.

  • If the student had 1 or more red Xs in University/Senate Requirement items, then the system will hold the action at this point until the items have been resolved. Each night a batch job will run that recalculates the “Advancement Checks”, and if something updates that clears a student to advance, then they will be advanced at that time. For example, if a student had one course with an Incomplete which was holding up the Advancement Check, once the I placeholder changes to a grade, the system will catch that and advance the student that night.

  • There are rare cases in which we will approve an override to allow a student to advance to candidacy if the Advancement Checks haven’t been met. This is not typical, but an example situation when the Director or Assistant Director would consider an override is if the student has an IP grade for a series of courses they are taking, and the system is set up so that no courses will receive grades until all courses are completed. In this case, if none of the courses in the series are required for advancing, an override would be considered. However, if some of the courses in the series are needed to meet departmental requirements, the override would not be granted.

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