Adding or Dropping the Emphasis

Adding or Dropping the Emphasis

Students who are participating in an interdisciplinary emphasis must petition the Graduate Division to add the emphasis to their record so that it will appear on their official transcript. This action is in addition to any internal processes that are specific to the emphases. If a student decides not to complete the emphasis, they must petition to officially drop the emphasis.

To add or drop an interdisciplinary emphasis, a student must:

  • Fill out a Change of Degree Status Petition

    • Obtain approval from their home Department Chair or Faculty Graduate Advisor

    • Obtain approval from the Interdisciplinary Emphasis Director

    • If applicable, obtain approval from OISS

  • Submit the completed petition to: gradacademics@graddiv.ucsb.edu

  • After the petition is processed, the student, Interdisciplinary Emphasis Director, and Staff Graduate Advisor will receive an email confirmation and copy of the signed petition

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