Awarding the Emphasis

Awarding the Emphasis

Interdisciplinary emphases are awarded at the same time the associated degree is awarded and only after the Interdisciplinary Emphasis Director has verified that a student has completed all requirements for the emphasis. A student must first officially add an emphasis before it can be awarded. Interdisciplinary emphases will not appear on the diploma, but will appear on the transcript.

To confirm that a student has fulfilled all emphasis requirements:

  • Interdisciplinary Emphasis Directors or Emphasis Staff submit to the Graduate Division via email (gradacademics@graddiv.ucsb.edu) a completed and signed General Catalog emphasis check sheet

    • Indicate any course substitutions

    • Indicate the date/quarter & year the requirements were met

    • Must be signed (DocuSign, scanned signatures, email approvals all accepted) by the Interdisciplinary Emphasis Director

  • Requirement exceptions

    • If courses are being counted toward more than 1 emphasis, both Emphasis Directors must approve

      • Graduate Division Academic Services staff will contact both Directors for approval when this is noticed (at the time of the student’s degree audit)

    • Course substitutions are at the discretion of the Emphasis Director and should be noted on the emphasis check sheet

  • Helpful Reports

    • The Degrees Awarded report will provide a list of students who have completed the emphasis and had their associated degree awarded

    • The Emphasis Enrollment Summary provides a list of all students currently enrolled in the emphasis (the emphasis cannot be awarded until a student is officially enrolled)


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