Department Recruitment Offers Analysis

Department Recruitment Offers Analysis

Using financial award letters uploaded by each department, we have created a dashboard which includes analysis and aggregate financial award information. These visuals are interactive and can support the department in better understanding student financial awards and student financial needs.

Overview Page

The Overview Page provides an overview that can be manipulated in order to inform users about the financial aid packages students receive within each department. 

Overview Page: Filters

The filters on top allow the ability to choose the admissions year, application quarter, whether a student has been awarded financial aid, the objective, whether the student received a central fellowship, as well as SIR response. The number on the right of the filters showcase the count of students and may change by clicking on the visuals on that page as well as by selecting filters.

 Overview Page: Visual Cards

The first visuals beginning with ‘Students with 5+ Years of Full Support’ report the percentage of students within a department who have received 5 or 6 years of full support (considered full support), percentage of students in department who receive Central Fellowship, as well as the SIR take rate which is defined as the rate of students who SIR ‘Yes’ over the total SIR rate.

  • You can use the ‘Students with 5+ Years of Full Support’ visual to understand the percentage of students in your department with full support (for at least 5 years). If you have students have a Central Fellowship they will also show up here as Central fellowship is indicated as 5 years of support.

  • The SIR take rate percentage helps users understand how many people who are offered admission actually end up saying they will come to UCSB.

Overview Page: Full and Partial Years of Support Visuals

  • The ‘Full Years of Support’ visual breaks down full support by years (0 through 6 years of support) and indicates the percentage of students who receive the years of support. Any student who is awarded a Central Fellowship is indicated as having received 5 years of full support.

  • The ‘Partial Years of Support’ visual also breaks down partial support by years and indicates the percentage of students who receive those years of support. Students may receive a combination of partial and full years of support.

  • The ‘Full Support First Year’ visual tells whether students receive full support in their first year.

Overview Page: Support Type by Full Years of Support, First Year Support, & Diversity

The visual ‘Support Type by Full Years of Support’ provides a visual of the type of support and the percentage of students who received it by year. For example, in the visual below, for students who received 1 year of full support, 68% received only fellowships, 27% received a combination of fellowships, ASE (Teaching Assistantship (TAship)) or GSR appointments. Another 5% of students received just TAships or just GSR appointments.

  • The support type offered include:

    • ASE (TA) (only)

    • ASE (TA) and GSR (both together)

    • Fellowship (only)

    • Fellowship, ASE (TA), or GSR – which indicates a combination of two or more award types

    • GSR (only)

  • Central fellowships are separate and indicated in the filter on top.

  • The ‘First Year Support Offered’ visual indicates the type of financial support offered in the first year broken down by percentage of students who receive that support.

  • The final visual, ‘Was Diversity Considered?’ reports on whether diversity was a factor considered for making financial aid packages.


Department Filters


The Department Filters page provides users the ability to see student/applicant counts by department with filters that can be manipulated. The following filters are available:

  • Admission Year (data available since 2022)

  • Application Quarter

  • Award Action Taken – whether a financial award has been provided and uploaded to the system or information uploaded that no offer was made (however action was taken).

  • Central Fellowship - whether the student received a central fellowship.

  • Awarded (Y/N) - If Award Action Taken field is ‘No’ and Central fellowship field is ‘No’ then Awarded (Y/N) = ‘No’. If Award action taken is ‘Yes’ or Central fellowship is ‘Yes’, or both are ‘Yes’, then Awarded will be Y (yes).

  • Any Support - Whether the student was awarded any support

  • SIR - ‘Yes’, ‘No’, ‘Unknown’

  • Division

  • Department

  • Objective – Degree objective

  • Diversity Considered – whether diversity was considered in the award as determined by the department.

  • Number of Years of Full Support – The number of years of full support received by the students. If a person has Central Fellowship they will receive 5 or 6 years of full support.

  • Number of Years of Partial Support - The number of years of partial support received by the students. If a person has Central Fellowship, partial support will be 0 years.

  • Support in the First Year – whether the student received support in their first year. If a person has Central Fellowship Support in the First Year will be ‘Yes’.

  • Full Support First Year – whether the first year included full support in their first year. If a person has Central Fellowship then Full Support First Year will be ‘Yes’.

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