Department Recruitment Offers (DRO): Upload Instructions

Department Recruitment Offers (DRO): Upload Instructions

Upload Instructions

  1. Login to AppReview: https://www.graddiv.ucsb.edu/appreview/Index.aspx

  2. In the appropriate department queue, locate the application for whom a department recruitment offer letter is to be uploaded:

    1. Select the applicants name to open their application

    2. Click the Manage Financial Offers button

  3. Click the Department Recruitment Offers tab. This will take you to the Department Recruitment Offers input form (see Figure 1 below).

  4. If the department does not intend to offer any financial support to the applicant, click the Confirm No Offer button. Click the Upload Offer button at the bottom of the page to complete your entry.

  5. For students with department offers, upload an offer letter by clicking Browse to locate the letter on your computer. Select letter and click Open button to attach the letter to the Department Recruitment Offers form.

  6. Complete the following fields for the applicant and letter you are uploading. Information should not include funding provided by a central fellowship, only department funding offer. When entry is complete, click the Upload Offer button at the bottom of the page to complete your entry. (Please note “Fellowship” refers to “Student Aid Fellowship Support” being provided by the department.)

Figure 1

Date Offered

 Date the Offer was provided to the admitted applicant

What type of financial support was included in the offer? Check all that apply:

  • Fellowship

  • ASE (i.e. TA)

  • GSR

Check each support type included in the financial offer.

If employment is offered as either ASE(TA) or GSR without confirmation of which appointment type will be offered, check both the ASE and GSR boxes.

Does this financial support offer include support for year one?

Y/N answer

Number of Full Years of Support

Number of years in the offer where the applicant is being offered financial support at the level received by a student with three quarters if TA appointments at 50% time. Note, this support can come from any source, but would need to be in an amount equal to or greater than that which would be received with the 3-quarter TA-ship.

Number of Partial Years of Support

Number of years in the offer where the applicant is offered financial support at a level that falls BELOW what a student would receive with three quarters if TA appointments at 50% time.

Was Diversity Considered when determining the level of financial support offered?

Y/N answer

Was Student Financial Need taken into consideration when determining the level of financial support offered?

Y/N answer

Does the Department offer accompany other Financial Offers?

Is the uploaded offer in addition to another non-departmental support offer, from the Graduate Division, or an external entity (e.g. NSF, Ford Foundation, etc).


Uploading Additional Offer Letters (including New Updated Offers)

  1. Follow steps 1 through 3 above to open the student’s Department Recruitment Offers input form.

  2. To upload letter(s) with the latest offer, click Browse to locate the letter on your computer. Select letter to upload and click Open button to attach the letter to the Department Recruitment Offers form.

  3. Edit any of the data fields to include the most recent offer. If the newest offer supplements the prior offer(s), the details entered should be the combined support provided. So for example, if you initially provided a student a multi-year recruitment offer and then followed up with a “top off” offer, when uploading the top off letter you would enter the details of the combined support from the two offers, as that represents the current combined funding offer. 

  4. When entry is complete and represents the latest recruitment offer presented to the student, click the Upload Offer button at the bottom of the page.


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