Recruitment Fellowship User Guide (AppReview)

Recruitment Fellowship User Guide (AppReview)



Award/Nomination Submitter – Department staff designated by the Department Chair who will be nominating applicants for recruitment fellowships.  Submitters can nominate applicants, upload nomination memos, and delete nominations. The role of Nomination Submitter can be modified by the Department Chair by using the Administration Menu in the Application Review system and selecting the appropriate checkbox for the appropriate user.

Award/Nomination Approver – This user is responsible for approving nominations for Recruitment Awards (e.g. Chancellor’s Fellowship, Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship, Regents in the Disciplines) and Competition nominations (e.g. Racial Justice Fellowship) made by the Nomination Submitter prior to the nomination deadline.  Generally, Department Chairs and Faculty Graduate Advisors are set up in the Admission Application Review system as Department Nomination Approvers.

Chancellor’s and Cota-Robles Fellows


Viewing Fellowship Nominations

Login to the App Review system (https://www.graddiv.ucsb.edu/appreview/).  Submitters that support multiple departments should select the appropriate department from the Department drop-down.  To make fellowship nominations, you will be working primarily using the --Navigate-- drop-down and selecting the Fellowships option. 

To view your existing Fellowship Nominations, select Fellowships from the --Navigate-- drop-down. 


The first time you login, your Merit-Diversity Nominations List and the Racial Justice Nomination List will display the message: Showing 0 Nomination(s).

PLEASE NOTE: When selecting your awardee, departments will be able to choose either the Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship (a Merit-Diversity Award) or the Chancellor’s Fellowship (a Merit Award).   


Submitter Instructions for nominating an applicant

The Submitter can nominate an applicant by clicking the magnifying glass and searching for the applicant’s name, perm, App ID, or email. In the Search Applicants box click the Manage Financial Offers button.


Selecting the Offers button will take you directly to the Add/Edit Nomination(s) screen, which shows a summary of remaining department nominations.  To nominate the active applicant, select the +Add Nominations button. 


For Central Recruitment Fellowships select Merit-Diversity in the Nomination Type bar. In Desired Award bar select either the Chancellor’s Fellowship or the Eugene Cota-Roble Fellowship.

If you are electing Eugene Cota-Robles then your next step is to include an attachment the diversity statement for your awardee. This document should be written by the nominating department (not the student) and should include why this candidate for the award meets the diversity criteria and would aid in diversifying campus or the department they are admitted into. Finally, select the appropriate attestation as to whether the student meets the university’s requirements for diversity and inclusion. The information on this requirement is detailed in the recruitment procedures guide. (The “Supplemental Document” upload option should be disregarded.)

Select the Save button and the message Progress Saved appears if the nomination was successfully recorded.  The remaining nominations count is updated.  Note:  An error message will appear if you have exceeded the maximum number of nominations allocated to your department and you will not be able to save your nomination. 



The nomination is NOT complete until the Option Elections are made.

Option Elections

To select the desired award package (total number of years/number of stipend years), select Fellowships from the --Navigate-- drop-down, and select the Options Elections tab. Select desired package from the options and click the submit button to save the election.


The nomination is only complete once it is approved by the Nomination Approver.

Deleting a Nomination

To delete a nomination whose status is Nomination Submitted, from the Applicant Nominations screen, select the applicant by clicking the edit link in their nomination record and select the Delete button.  For nominations whose status is Nomination Approved, the Nomination Approver must first remove the nomination approval before the Submitter can delete the nomination.  See the Nomination Approver section below for information on removing approvals.


APPROVING Chancellor’s and Cota-Robles Fellowship nominations

Once the nominations have been made by the Submitter and are ready for approval, the Nomination Approver must login to the App Review system prior to the nomination deadline and approve the option elections and award. Approvers will receive an email when a nomination has been submitted, requesting that they complete the Nomination Approval.

Login to the App Review system and select the appropriate department from the drop-down box. Select Fellowships from the --Navigate-- drop down. 


This will bring you to the Applicant Nominations screen. Choose Option Elections.


To approve the award, review the candidate name and option election then choose the “Approve” button. If election option is incorrect, use the “Clear Elections for Unreleased Award” button. The Option Election will then need to be re-entered by the submitter.  


Removing a Nomination Approval

To remove a nomination approval, first select the applicant to remove approval by selecting the appropriate check-boxes for the applicant, select Remove Nomination Approvals from the Action drop-down then press the Apply to Selected Nominations button. 

PLEASE NOTE: Once an award letter has been released to a student, the ability to remove their nomination approval is suspended. Please ensure approvals are only done once the department is certain of their award selection.

Award Letter Release to Student

Once the student award has been approved by the department approver, the Graduate Division will receive an automatic notification of the action and will release the award to the student promptly. Departments will receive a copy of the email that is sent directly to the student notifying them of their award. Additionally, departments retain the ability to check the release status by navigating to the Fellowships area and electing the Fellowship Awards tab. Each award listing will show either N/A or the date of release under the column titled “Released to Applicant”.


PLEASE NOTE: Admission to the University is required before the Graduate Division can release the award letter to the student. If the student’s admission status is still in the department queues, it will not be released until admissions are finalized.

Racial Justice Fellowship


Submitter Instructions for Racial Justice Fellowship Nominations

The Submitter can nominate an applicant by clicking the magnifying glass and searching for the applicant’s name, perm, App ID, or email. In the Search Applicants box click the Offers button.


The Add/Edit Nomination(s) screen shows a summary of remaining department nominations.  To nominate the active applicant, select the +Add Nominations button. 


Select Racial Justice in the Nomination Type bar. Click the box to confirm the nominated applicant is being offered a minimum of five years of full support, including at least one year of fellowship.


Upload the Justification in the Nomination Memo field by clicking the Browse button. Save the nomination after the Justification has been loaded.


APPROVING Racial Justice nominations

Once the nomination has been made by the Submitter and is ready for approval, the Nomination Approver must login to the App Review system prior to the nomination deadline and approve the nominations. 

Login to the App Review system and select the appropriate department from the drop-down box. Select Fellowships from the --Navigate-- drop down. 


To approve the nomination, select the appropriate check-box for the applicant, select Approve Nominations from the Action drop-down then press the Apply to Selected Nominations button. 


Regent’s in the Disciplines


Submitter Instructions for nominating an applicant

Login to AppReview: https://www.graddiv.ucsb.edu/appreview/Index.aspx

Locate the application for whom a Regents Fellowship in the Disciplines is to be awarded in the Processed Apps queue (Note: Applicants must be recommended for Admission to qualify for a Regents Fellowship in the Disciplines Award (e.g., application must in the Processed Apps queue with an App Status of Unconditional Admission, Provisional Admission or In Process)).

Select the Manage Financial Offers button on the Application Datasheet to bring up the Add/Edit Nomination(s) screen and select the Regents Recruitment Awards tab; this will take you to the Regents Awards input screen:


Complete the following fields for the applicant and letter you are uploading:

  1. Full or Alternate Template

    1. Full: Includes details on Regents centrally funded years as well as Department Employment years

    2. Alternate: Includes ONLY the Regents year(s) selected and requires a separate DRO to be uploaded to complete the package requirements.

  2. Regents Year(s) of Graduate Division stipend support utilized in this package for this student: Indicate by selecting the academic year check box which academic year you would like the Regents Year(s).

  3. Total years of support – Combined Regents stipend year(s) and departmental support year(s) – In this Package: The total number of years included in the package for the student whose letter you are uploading. The award must be a minimum of 5 years and must not exceed department time-to-degree restriction.

  4. Diversity - As updated this year by the Graduate Dean, a department needs to demonstrate that within a two year window (ex. 23-24 and 24-25) a central offer has been accepted by a student that meets the diversity criteria (detailed in the annual Recruitment Competition Procedures Manual). As such, if the Regents award is being utilized to meet this criteria, a diversity memo, written by the department, must be provided and uploaded at the time of awarding to that candidate.

  5. Select the Submit button to complete the transaction The system should respond with the details of the offer for the applicant, including the Regents Award Type, Award Years, Date Submitted, Submitted by, and Status.

If you get an error message after selecting the Submit button, complete the necessary fields then click the Submit button again. Select the Return to Queue button to return to the Department Queues.

Instructions for viewing Regents Fellowship in the Disciplines Awards

To view your existing Regents Fellowship in the Disciplines Awards, from the --Navigate-- dropdown select Fellowships, select the Fellowship Awards tab then sect the Regents Fellowship Awards tab.

APPROVING Regent’s in the Disciplines nominations

Fellowship Approver Instructions for approving submitted Regents Fellowship in the Disciplines Awards:

Login to AppReview: https://www.graddiv.ucsb.edu/appreview/Index.aspx

Select the appropriate department from the Department dropdown.

From the --Navigate-- dropdown, select Fellowships, then select the Fellowship Awards tab, then select the Regents Fellowship Awards tab. A list of Regents Awards submitted by the department GPA will appear.

Awards with a status of Submitted must be approved before they can be released to the applicant.

Above: Not approved, not yet sent to applicant

To approve an applicant’s award, select the checkbox then select Approve from the Actions dropdown and press the Apply to Selected Nominations button. The status of the awards will change from Submitted to Approved.

Awards with a status of Approved, award letter has been released to applicant.

Above: Approved, letter released to applicant

Graduate Division will be notified via email of the approval and will release the award to the applicant. Note that the applicant must first be admitted by the Graduate Division (status of Provisional Admit or Unconditional Admit in the Processed Apps queue) to receive a notification of the award.

**Please note Regents in the Disciplines Award Letters should be sent to students through the AppReview system and not through other means of communication. Offers that are not sent through AppReview cannot be tracked by the Graduate Division. Tracking records in AppReview is important because an automatic report is generated for the Housing Office, who relies on this report access to verify which on-time housing applications receive priority housing. If your Department’s Regents offer does not go through the required AppReview system, the automated report will not accurately reflect your student, which will result in the student not being included on the priority housing list for Central Fellows.

Student Action to accept or decline award

This is an example of what a student sees when they log in to the eApp. The “Pending Actions” will show if they have responded to their award offer letter. If the student isn’t sure what they need to do, tell them to review their “Pending Actions” to determine if they have accepted their award.


To accept the award they need to either “Accept the fellowship” or “Decline the fellowship”.


This will update in the AppReview as to whether they have accepted:





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