Graduate Division Allocations Report

Graduate Division Allocations Report

How to get to the Reports

GradPoint Financial Reports can be accessed via this link. Should you not have access, you can request access to the GradPoint Financial portal here.

Once in the portal, select “Reports” from the top menu.

Then use the “Report Set” drop-down menu to access the Allocation Reports.

Now you can toggle between the available Reports using the bottom of the screen Tabs (Block, Regents in the Disciplines, Recruitment or Continuing Competition). Data will be updated as available, generally upon the release of the related program memo from the Dean.

Allocation Reports Review

Please see below pertinent details about each of the four Allocation Reports, including definitions of each allocation/nomination type.

Block Allocations

This report provides a detailed breakdown of your Block grant Allocations. The total amount reflected in the various layers is the amount you will find present in your GradPoint Financial Portal Budget.

The definitions of each Block Grant layer is presented below:

Formula Layer

Total allocation provided for the upcoming 2022-23 academic year and the two additional forward years of 2023-24 and 2024-25. The Graduate Division provides rolling three-year allocations pertaining to the formula-based layer of the Block grant. The 2022-23 guaranteed minimum allocation relayed in the 2021-22 Memo will now be replaced by the actual allocation sum provided in this Block Allocation Report for 2022-23. The 2023-24 and 2024-25 guaranteed minimum allocations are calculated at 90% of their preceding year respectively.

Dean's Allocation

The Divisional Dean’s annual allocations to Campus Departments.

Diversity Augment

The Graduate Dean’s allocation to Departments per Diversity assessment.

Carry Forward Prior Year

Preceding year’s residual Block budget eligible for current year use.  


Miscellaneous category representative of Loans, Graduate Dean supplements and Divisional augments/matches.

Regents in the Disciplines

The Graduate Dean has again ensured that all departments have a Regent in the Disciplines Allocation to use for the 2022-23 recruitment cycle. As such, all departments will have one available allocation in this year’s recruitment cycle, either carried forward or issued new.

Recruitment Fellowships

As conveyed, the 2022-2023 Recruitment cycle has been adjusted to reflect a more Departmental emphasis in the selection process and as a result the allocations provided by the Graduate Division are reflective of this change. This year there are only two categories of Recruitment Allocations:   

Central Recruitment Award (ECR/CHAN)

Departmental choice of recruitment offer between Eugene Cota Robles (ECR) and Chancellor (CHAN) as outlined in the 2022-2023 Recruitment procedure guide.

Racial Justice Nomination

Racial Justice Nomination as provided by the Graduate Dean.

Continuing Competitions

Allocated departmental nominations for the 2022-2023 Continuing Competitions have been provided by program and available as per the competitions' procedure guide.


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