Substitutions and Waivers to Program Requirements and Policies

Substitutions and Waivers to Program Requirements and Policies

Substitutions and waivers to departmental requirements and policies may be requested via the Program Requirements Exception Form. Students should discuss program requirement substitution and waiver requests with the Staff Graduate Advisor prior to completing the petition.

The nature of the request will determine which approvals are required, but may include any or all of the following:

  • Course Instructor (especially in the case of course substitution requests)

  • Research Advisor(s)

  • Area Advisor

  • Faculty Graduate Advisor

  • Department Chair

Approval of departmental faculty members via this petition does not constitute approval of the Graduate Division, Office of the Registrar, or other campus offices. Students granted a waiver or substitution of departmental requirements by faculty within the department are not exempt from any Graduate Division requirements. Students wishing to request an exception to Graduate Division requirements or policy should consult the Graduate Policies and Procedures Handbook and discuss their unique situation with the Staff Graduate Advisor.

Course Substitutions for Graduate Coursework

A maximum of 6 units can be waived from graduate coursework. The courses being used to substitute must have been taken during Master’s or Doctorate Programs. A transcript and syllabus will also be required for such requests.

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