Master of Arts (M.A.)

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Graduate Coursework

  • The time-to-degree for the M.A. is two years.

  • 36.0 units required.

  • Core courses must be completed with a grade of B or better, and the overall minimum GPA is 3.0. 

  • At least 24 of the 36 units must be in 200 – 289 level courses and no more than 12 may be in CHEM 596

  • CHEM 501, 502, 597, 598, and 599 (or other department equivalents) are not counted toward the minimum number of units required for the degree

  • Courses are chosen in consultation with the student’s faculty advisor

Seminar Requirement (CHEM 290)

A letter grade of B or better must be achieved.

  • This course requires delivery of a seminar related to your group’s research.

  • If continuing in the Ph.D. program, this requirement must be completed before taking the Advancement to Candidacy Exam.

Exam Committee

Students should notify the Staff and Faculty Graduate Program Advisors of their committee makeup. The Faculty Graduate Program Advisor will sign off on your committee.

  • M.A. committees require a minimum of 3 UC ladder faculty:

    • 2 faculty members (including your Chair) must be in your home department

    • At least 1 faculty member must be independent of the thesis project

Annual Exam Committee Meetings

Submit your Annual Committee Meeting Signature Page to the Staff Graduate Advisor once completed.

  • First Year: Students will meet with the department chair to review the student's academic progress, discuss experiences and challenges, and set goals for the upcoming year.

  • Second Year: Students will meet with their thesis committee to review their progress, address any concerns, and ensure they are on track with their research and academic objectives.

  • Refer to this page for more information on meeting frequency, scheduling, and structure.

Comprehensive Final Exam

For students who fail the comprehensive examination on the first try, the decision to allow a second attempt is at the discretion of the Examination Committee.

  • The Comprehensive Examination for the M.A. Degree is generally taken the quarter in which the student plans to graduate officially, and only if their cumulative GPA is 3.0 or above.

  • The different program areas have slightly different formats for the exam; please consult with your Area Advisor.

Departmental Submission

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