Business Rule Testing

Business Rule Testing

Here is the test result for the business Rule based on the testing on both D7 and D8 instances and make sure before starting the testing user will have the same role on both instances.

In the Result column, if it says Failed, then that represents the result when the test was first performed. Those entries should have a second Solution or Passed entry. The Solution entries describe what the solution was; which was implemented, and the test was performed again and was passing. The Passed entries do not describe the solution (because the solutions are similar to the solutions described above), they however show the results of the solution working.

Rule Name

Action (Email Submission)


Rule Name

Action (Email Submission)


App Approval Request Submitted

After creating the new API Access request on both sites (name as Navodit test D7 and Navodit Test D8). There are
2 emails triggered which has been the same for both instances.

Pass: This result is coming without making any configuration changes in the business rule.


App Approval Request Admins Assigned

After assigning the API access request to the “Admin Assigned“
state. There will be a email will be triggered.
Note: If user having API Administrator role then one email will be triggered and the user will have also a business approver role then 2 emails will be triggered on both instances.

Failed - Received duplicate copy of the email.

Solution: Reconfigure the rule based on the Nested condition. (Pass)

App Approval Request Assigned to Business Approver

After assigned the API access request to the “Business Review“ state. Then there will be a email triggered.

Failed - Received duplicate copy of the email.

Solution: Reconfigure the rule based on the Nested condition. (Pass)


App Approval Request Business Approved

After assigned the API access request to the “Business Approved“ state. Then there will be a email triggered.

Failed - Received incorrect copy of the email.

Solution: Reconfigure the rule based on the Nested condition. (Pass)



After assigned the API access request to the “Cancelled“ state. Then there will be a email triggered.

No Email - There is no email has been set up for this state change on both instances D7 and D8.


After assigning the API access request to the “In Technical Review Initial“ state. Then there is no email triggered on both sites.

No Email - There is no email has been set up for this state change on both instances D7 and D8.

App Approval Request Access Granted

After assigning the API access request to the “Access Approved by Admin“ state. Then there are 3 email triggered on both sites.

All 3 submiited emails are having same email content on both instances.

Pass - This result is coming without making any configuration changes in the business rule.



After assigning the API access request to the “Application Retired“ state. Then there is no email triggered on both sites.

No Email - There is no email has been set up for this state change on both instances D7 and D8.

App Approval Request Business Denied

After assigning the API access request to the “Business Denied“ state. Then there are 3 email triggered on both sites.

All 3 submitted emails are having same email content on both instances.

Pass - This result is coming without making any configuration changes in the business rule.


App Approval Request Changed

After making the changes in the content. There are 2 email triggered on both instances.

Pass - This result is coming without making any configuration changes in the business rule.

API Submitted

After creating new API Publisting resuest. there are 3 emails need to be triggered.

Failed - Received incorrect copy of the email.

Solution: Reconfigure the rule based on the Nested condition. (Pass)


After assigning the API publisting request to the “Pending More Info Initial“ state.

Pass - This result is coming without making any configuration changes in the business rule.


API Assigned to Business User

After assigning the API publisting request to the “Business Review“ state.

Pass - This result is coming without making any configuration changes in the business rule.

API Assigned to Gateway Admin for Approval

After assigning the API publisting request to the “Business Approved/ In Technical Review“ state.

Pass - This result is coming without making any configuration changes in the business rule.


API State Change Business User

After assigning any on of below mentioned

  • Cancelled

  • Retired

  • Published

  • Admin Denied

Pass - This result is coming without making any configuration changes in the business rule.



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