Entertainment Guidance

Entertainment Guidance


Entertainment (food and beverage) expenses should be limited for the foreseeable future due to our budget constraints. Generally, business entertainment expenses that will provide a direct and immediate benefit to students should be prioritized over other business and social entertainment expenses.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, careful consideration should be given to public health guidance from the campus and Santa Barbara County regarding food service and distribution.

As in prior years, all entertainment expenses require prior control point approval, regardless of whether an exception is requested. Exceptions require approval of the vice chancellor. Approved expenditures will generally fall well below policy limits. Itemized receipts are required for all reimbursements. Items purchased without prior approval may not be eligible for reimbursement.

On-the-Job Meals

Staff Programs

Employee Recruitment

Donor, Volunteer…

Student Programs

Student Sustenance

On-the-Job Meals

Staff Programs

Employee Recruitment

Donor, Volunteer…

Student Programs

Student Sustenance

less permissible                                            more permissible






Student Sustenance (SPRG) includes food and beverages purchased to provide or supplement student nutrition. This includes food that will be distributed to students based on need as well as food that is intended to promote healthy eating. This spending is the highest priority among ‘entertainment’ expenses and should be spent as usual.

Student Programsbeverage is offered to attendees. There may be staff, faculty, and other guests in attendance. Preference should be given for more nutritious and/or culturally relevant cuisine. Except where food is for student sustenance (above), food should not be used as an incentive; instead, the educational and recreational benefits of events should be the focus of the event and marketing materials. Food may be provided when programs are held during common mealtimes and the schedule might prevent attendees from obtaining food otherwise.

Donor, Volunteer, and Other Guest (SPRG) meals are provided occasionally when these visitors are on campus during common mealtimes and their schedule might prevent them from obtaining food otherwise.

Employee Recruitment (SREC) includes meals provided to prospective employees during their travel to visit the campus and attend in-person interviews. See related guidance regarding employee recruitment travel below.

Staff Programs (SOPR, SPRG) are events where staff members are the primary audience and food or beverage is offered to attendees, including staff morale events. Food may be provided when programs are held during common mealtimes and the schedule might prevent attendees from obtaining food otherwise. Departments should take care to schedule staff programs during mealtimes infrequently so that such expenses are only incurred occasionally. We recommend that departments host at least one, but not more than two, staff morale events including entertainment per academic year. (Retirements are treated separately below.)

On-the-Job Meals (SOPR) are meals provided when an employee’s working hours and duties prevent the employee from otherwise obtaining a meal. Departments should schedule employee shifts to minimize the need for On-the-Job Meals wherever possible. Office snacks, coffee and tea, candy, and similar items should not be purchased (except in the categories above).

Units may coordinate voluntary participation in potluck events and/or encouraging sharing of personally procured food and beverage.

Entertainment Limits (Per Person)

The following limits are imposed on expenditures for meals or light refreshments incurred in connection with events that are in support of the University's mission.









Light Refreshments
















Staff are encouraged to review campus entertainment reimbursement guidance published by BFS.

Entertainment expenses for the following occasions are not allowable, even by exception per BFS: employee birthdays; weddings; anniversaries; farewell gatherings (excluding celebrations for retirement or for employees separating from university employment with at least 5 years of service); Administrative Professionals' Day; and other non-University related occasions.

