Professional Development, Continuing Education, & Memberships

Professional Development, Continuing Education, & Memberships


Student Affairs will actively seek and foster opportunities for staff members to engage in professional development. Control points and the VCSA Office welcome input regarding staff and department training needs, and Student Affairs is committed to making strategic investments in ongoing staff development in consultation with the SA Exec Team.

Blanket Permission for Staff Release Time for Professional Development

Except in cases where it presents an immediate departmental hardship, directors should ordinarily permit staff release time for documented, relevant professional development activities up to the applicable policy limit, which is a minimum of 40 hours (non-exempt) or 5 workdays (exempt) paid  release time per calendar year for a regular status, full-time employee whose performance is successful or exemplary (in ePerformance; or satisfactory or better in standard evaluations). This includes self-funded development opportunities. (See policy or agreement for details.)

Furthermore, travel to attend application-based, UC-led professional development programs should generally be approved when departmental budget allows. Examples include campus-based certificate programs, the Management Skills Assessment Program (MSAP), the UC-CORO Systemwide Leadership Collaborative, and the UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development.

Blanket Permission for Grant-Funded Staff Professional Development

Except in cases where it presents an immediate departmental hardship, directors should ordinarily permit staff release time and travel for documented, relevant professional development activities up to the policy limit when an employee’s professional development is grant funded (i.e., expense not incurred by the department).

Freeze of Departmental Professional Development Funds

Departments should freeze professional development line items (SPRD) in their budgets until further notice. These line items should not be reallocated. This is intended to recoup immediate savings while many travel-based professional development opportunities have been postponed due to COVID-19 and to better standardize investment in professional development throughout Student Affairs. Control points and the VCSA Office may authorize limited exceptions on a case-by-case basis for professional development opportunities, especially those that serve groups and are offered virtually. One-page proposals are welcome and may be submitted to your control point.

Departments should continue to provide training that is urgently required for employees to perform their job duties effectively or to remain in compliance (SMTR). If these activities require travel, refer to the Travel Guidance section above.

Alternative Implementation of the Professional Development Mini-Grant Program for FYs 2021 and 2022

The VCSA Office has paused the individual professional development mini-grant program for the 2020-21 and 2021-22  fiscal years. However, the office will consider proposals for professional development for groups that is delivered virtually on a case-by-case basis; one-page proposals are welcome and may be submitted to Rachel Arriaga. Since the applicability and expense of these expenses will vary widely, no minimum number of attendees or maximum dollar amount is prescribed.

Individual & Departmental Memberships at Director’s Discretion

Individual and departmental memberships with professional associations and publications should be considered on a case-by-case basis. Approval should be granted where there is a clear benefit to students and/or University operations. Wherever possible, memberships should be consolidated.

The value of memberships should be evaluated annually. Memberships of little utility to individual employees and/or departments should be discontinued. Auto-renewing approvals are discouraged.