Exceptional Approval Categories

Exceptional Approval Categories

Keeping in mind that Student Affairs has a structural deficit (i.e., the sum of its budgeted annual expenses exceed its forecasted annual revenue), we ask that department heads discuss all major expenses (line items of $5,000 and greater) with your divisional control point prior to proceeding with procurement (including SFLT and SFMM).

The intent of this consultation is to: (a) provide control point insight into major Student Affairs expenses, and (b) evaluate opportunities for cost-sharing among departments in Student Affairs. This consultation can be informal and should take place during existing standing meetings or via email. This requirement is not intended to override the professional judgment of Student Affairs directors, who are experts in their respective fields.

There are several categories that require exceptional approval (control point and/or vice chancellor approval) prior to incurring the expense. Guidelines for each of these categories are provided below:

Entertainment Guidance