Report Templates (CPS)

Report Templates (CPS)

Departmental Users

Curriculum Plan Summary Report

This report includes all course components (temporary faculty, TA, reader) and quarter.


Curriculum Plan with all Temporary Faculty FTE

This report shows the curriculum plan with the course offering junction. It is grouped by Title Code and contains all temporary FTE numbers.


Workload by Instructor

This report shows the Current Workload and Required Workload grouped by Instructor


Employee Statuses

This report shows Employee Statuses by Curriculum Plan


Anticipated Leaves

This report displays all of the fields related to Employee Status records that are on leave (release, leave, buy out) and is grouped by Curriculum Plan and then Quarter.


Assistant Dean's Office - Report Templates

Humanities and Fine Arts (HFA)

Mathematical, Life, and Physical Sciences (MLPS)

Social Sciences (SOSC)