Curriculum Planning System Documentation
Logging in to the Curriculum Planning System
Login to the Curriculum Planning System at one of the following URLs:
Departmental Staff (Business Officers, Student Affairs Managers, etc)
Assistant Deans and College Office users:
Salesforce Training on Trailhead
It is highly recommended that anyone who will use the Curriculum Planning System signup for an account on Salesforce's Learning Management System, Trailhead.
Sign Up on Trailhead
The animated image below shows the quick process to create an account.
Click on "Sign Up" in the top-right corner
Click on "Google" and sign in with your UCSB Connect/Google account.
Complete a Trailmix
Once you have created an account, complete at least the Level 1 Trailmix (a customized collection of small learning modules). Level 1 and Level 2 have both been curated specifically to help anyone who will use the system have the best experience possible.
Level 1 Trailmix: For all UCSB staff who will use the Curriculum Planning System (CPS). Gain a foundational understanding of Salesforce before using CPS.
Level 2 Trailmix: Additional training for UCSB staff who will use the Curriculum Planning System (CPS). Complete after Level 1.