Contacts and Responsibilites

Contacts and Responsibilites


Director: Christopher Dixon  chris.dixon@graddiv.ucsb.edu

Asst. Director, Fellowships: Kelly Crowell kelly.crowell@graddiv.ucsb.edu

Asst. Director, Academic Appts: Rudy Reyes rudy.reyes@graddiv.ucsb.edu

Financial Systems Analyst: Elizabeth Acebu  eacebu@ucsb.edu

Academic Appt & Fellowship Analyst: Giulietta Corrado gcorrado@ucsb.edu

Financial Analyst: Hannah Arffa hannaharffa@ucsb.edu

Graduate Appointment Policy Analyst: Rhiannon Parisse rparisse@ucsb.edu

The Graduate Division’s Financial Support Web Portal facilitates many processes related to graduate student fellowship, employment-based fee remission and employment exceptions! There is also a growing list of reports available in the Portal that allow you to assess and review the use of department student support resources and employment related information.

As Faculty Graduate Advisor, you are eligible for approver access to this portal.  If you do not yet have access to the portal, or have questions about how you might benefit from it, please contact financial@graddiv.ucsb.edu.

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