Locations and Services

Locations and Services

Important DCB Locations

DCB Administrative Offices

After-Hours Drop Box

DCB Conference Rooms

Faculty & Staff Mailboxes

Graduate Student Mailboxes

DCB Undergraduate Storeroom

DCB Research Storeroom

Building 232

Building 232, Front Door

Chemistry 1005D
PSBN 1631
PSBN 4606

Building 232, Room 1010

Chemistry, Room 1005C

PSBN, Room 1642

Chemistry, Room 1225


Departmental Services


Email Account Requirement

Only your department (@chem) and UCSB (@ucsb) email accounts will be used for department and UC-related communications.

If you prefer to use a personal email account, ensure that your department and UCSB accounts are properly forwarding emails. Verify that UC-generated messages are not being filtered as spam.

Complete the Chemistry ADS Account Request and the LSCG team will:

  • Set up your email account.

  • Establish your access to the wireless network.

  • Provide information on how to access your email.


To obtain keys, contact Cabe Fletcher in PSBN 1520A.

Key Issuance for First-Year Students:

  • First-year students will be issued keys to:

    • The building

    • The graduate student lounge in Chemistry

Key Issuance for Research Labs:

  • After selecting a research advisor and submitting your Advisor Selection Form (with required approvals) to the Staff Graduate Program Advisor, you can request keys to your assigned lab by contacting Cabe Fletcher.

Upon termination of enrollment in the DCB Graduate Program, you must return all departmental keys to Cabe Fletcher.

Failure to return keys will result in a $20.00 charge per unreturned key, billed via BARC.

Graduate Student Mailboxes

ONLY FOR: departmental notices, campus mail, and professional mail pertaining to your role as a graduate student. Personal mail should be received at your home address.

You will be assigned a mailbox in Chemistry, Room 1005C.

The mailbox is for departmental notices, campus mail, and professional mail pertaining to your role as a graduate student. Personal mail should be received at your home address. You are expected to check your mail regularly. Mail that is left for more than 30 days or that does not fit in your mailbox due to overflow will be recycled. If you receive an item too large for your mailbox, then it will be held at Building 232, and you will be emailed to pick it up. Please note that paychecks will not be placed in your mailbox.

Faculty and staff mailboxes are located in Building 232, Room 1010. Items for faculty and staff mailboxes can be left at the front desk of Building 232, for distribution.

Outgoing mail bins for campus and U.S mail are located in the entryway of Building 232. Please be sure to include the recipient’s complete address and your return address on off-campus U.S. mail.

Campus mail should include:

  • Recipient’s name

  • Department name

  • Mail code (see list here)

Mail to foreign addresses that is not a standard-sized letter must have a Customs Form attached or it will be returned to the department. Custom Forms are available from Mail Services. Departmental mail does not require postage. Mail Services does not pick up personal mail.


The copier is located in Chemistry, Room 1005C and is designated for graduate student use to support your teaching responsibilities only. For reproducing materials related to your research, please utilize your lab resources.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. If you encounter any issues with the copier (e.g., paper jam, paper outage, error message), follow the on-screen instructions and illustrations to resolve the problem.

  2. Avoid tearing the paper when removing a jam. Torn pieces are more difficult to remove.

  3. If you cannot resolve the issue or the copier is out of paper, notify a Student Affairs Staff immediately. Extra paper is stored in the bottom compartment of the copier.

Urgent Copy Jobs and Repairs:

  • If the copier is irreparable or you have an urgent copy job, a Student Affairs Staff will arrange for a repair and assist you with your copying needs in Building 232.

  • Student Affairs Staff are available during regular office hours M-R (9:00 AM–12:00 PM, 1:00 PM–4:00 PM).

Physical Facilities Maintenance

All users of DCB resources are responsible for properly cleaning and maintaining the facilities and equipment. However, maintenance may be required from time to time.

Technical Issues in DCB Meeting Rooms:

Maintenance in Labs, Offices, Common Areas & DCB-Maintained Rooms:

DCB maintains three conference rooms for use by reservation. These rooms are primarily intended for academic events involving members of DCB or other campus departments and programs.

Using these faciltites you are responsible for:

  • Leaving the room clean.

  • Returning the room to its original configuration.

  • Ensuring the room is dark and securely locked upon departure.

Use the online room reservation system to check availability.
Nicole McCoy maintains the room reservation calendar.

Lost and Found

Occasionally, found items may be delivered to the front desk of Building 232. If the owner can be identified as a student or employee, they will be notified via email and asked to retrieve the item during regular business hours.

If You Have Lost an Item:

You may check with the front desk in Building 232 to inquire about recently collected items.

Unclaimed Items:

Any items that remain unclaimed after 5 business days, regardless of whether the owner was identified, will be forwarded to the Lost and Found Office in North Hall, Room 1131.

Department Communication

As a graduate student in the DCB, staying informed about important academic and department-related matters is essential. The department will communicate with you through several key channels: your department or campus email, the chem-grads listserv, and the Shoreline platform.


  • You will be automatically added to DCB Graduate Program Shoreline group, which will be dedicated to Chemistry Graduate Students only.

Chem-Grads Listserv:

  • You will be automatically added to the chem-grads listserv, which distributes messages to a wider population, including graduate students in other departments but with a DCB affiliation.

  • The Staff Graduate Program Advisor oversees the listserv. Messages unrelated to academics, such as social activities, personal interests, housing announcements, or inappropriate content, will be rejected.

The Listserv and Shoreline will be used to disseminate academic reminders, department announcements, and opportunities such as jobs and fellowships. Both platforms also share resources relevant to your academic journey. Review these messages carefully.

Social Networking

Stay updated and engaged with the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry through our various social media platforms:

The Staff Graduate Program Advisor oversees the UCSB Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Program Facebook Group.

Current graduate students are welcome and encouraged to join

Opt-In Participation
Students interested in viewing or posting or participating in non-academic networking should opt-in to the group(s).

University and DCB Visual Identity

UC Santa Barbara’s visual identity includes several key design elements, such as university marks, color, typography, photography, and websites.

Department Logo:

  • The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry logo is available in multiple formats.

  • Important: These graphics should not be altered in any way.

Professional Identity - UC Santa Barbara graduate students have access to a variety of services, resources, and templates designed to help build and enhance their professional identity.


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