Graduate Program Directory
India Madden
Faculty Graduate Program Advisor
Deals with all graduate matters affecting the Department and represents the Department in dealings with the Graduate Division
Serves as chair of the Area Advisors Committee
May be consulted for academic advising throughout your program of study
Forms and petitions requiring the signature of the Departmental Graduate Advisor must be signed by the faculty graduate advisor
Staff Graduate Program Advisor
Graduate Student Advising and Support
Tracks Graduate Student Degree Progression
Coordinates New Graduate Recruitment and Orientation
Administrative support to ChemPD
Area Advisors
Biochemistry - Dr. Yang Hai
Inorganic - Dr. Mahdi Abu-Omar
Materials - Dr. Quyen Nguyen
Organic - Dr. Liming Zhang
Physical - Dr. Lior Sepuaru
Guidance in course selection and matters related to the student’s technical program
Advising and consultation throughout a student’s program of study and may be required to sign certain forms
Advice related to personal or academic challenges they are facing in graduate school
Year 1
September - Meet with incoming graduate students during New Grad Academic Training to advise on course selection. Some areas require a specific set of courses for all students while others will vary to fit each individual student’s needs and interests.
Mid-Year/Winter Quarter - Meet with students for a progress check to make sure they are doing well in classes, succeeding with their teaching assignments, and finding a research group.
Year 2
August - Send an email reminder to students regarding the NSF GRFP proposal. Include guidelines and deadlines.
Fall Quarter - Meet with students to help with topic selection, proposal writing, and proposal submission. If requested, read proposals and offer feedback.Track proposal submissions.
Spring Quarter - Send an email reminder regarding the advancement to candidacy exam and associated deadlines (must be completed by the end of summer quarter).Upon request, meet with students to provide advice on planning and preparing for the exam.
Year 3-5
Continue to monitor students’ progress.If a student has not graduated by the summer of the 5thyear, consult with both the student and his or her primary advisor.