Fee Remission

Graduate students appointed in fee remission bearing titles may become eligible for fee remission as a benefit of their employment. Fee remission is calculated on a quarterly basis and eligibility is determined based on combined effort across all Academic Student Employee (ASE) and Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) appointments for the quarter in question. For current fee amounts, please see Fees and Costs.

Graduate Student Fee Remission Eligibility

With respect to ASE Partial Fee Remission for TAs, Readers, Tutors/Remedial Tutors, and other eligible Academic Student Employees at appointments of at least 25%, the current Collective Bargaining Agreement stipulates that the University shall provide a Partial Fee Remission of mandatory tuition and fees. Please refer to the UAW and UC Agreement for additional information.

Teaching Assistants, Associates, Tutors, Remedial Tutors, and Readers whose appointments total at least 25%, and GSRs whose appointments total at least 25% but less than 35%, and meet all other criteria are eligible for partial fee remission, part of campus based fees, and Gaucho Health Insurance (GHI) credit. GSRs who are appointed at least 35% and meet all other criteria qualify for a full fee remission and GHI credit. Please see the break down of fees for more detailed information: https://www.graddiv.ucsb.edu/fees-costs

Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs) qualify for full fee and tuition remission if they are appointed for at least 35% in all GSR appointments combined over the three months of the quarter. Full fee and tuition remission includes the payment of fees (tuition, student services fee, and campus based fees), health insurance for all eligible students, non-resident supplemental tuition for international students, and non-resident supplemental tuition for domestic students during their first year only. Please note, for combined appointments where a GSR is also working in an ASE appointment, the student must work at least 35% as a GSR in order to receive the full fee remission benefit.  Please see the break down of fees for more detailed information: https://www.graddiv.ucsb.edu/fees-costs

GRS benefits must be paid from the funding source that pays the student's salary. The cost of these benefits will be charged to the funding source monthly. GSRs hired at 25% to 34% qualify for partial fee remission, which includes payment of partial fees (tuition and student service fee) and health insurance. Graduate students appointed in both GSR and ASE positions qualify for partial fee remission if appointed for at least 25% combined across all ASE and GSR appointments over the quarter. However, students ​are eligible for full fee remission only if appointed for at least 35% across GSR appointments. These benefit charges will also be charged to the salary funding source.

The fee remission policy stipulates that GSRs must be paid the requisite fees at the given percentages of hire outlined above. In rare cases, Principal Investigators may request contingency funds from the Office of Research when the funding agency will not allow for the payment of fee remission for GSRs. Block grant, fellowship, or other funds may not be used to augment grants or pay any portion of the fee remission programs.