Pantheon Hosting Support Meeting 2019-10-10

Meeting Details




Diana Antova(tick) 
Ian Lessing (Unlicensed)(tick) 
Shea Lovan(tick) 
Matt Paladino (
technical contact at Pantheon
Eric Hammer (
Pantheon rep for UCSB
Cara Kalnow (
manages the Pantheon Apigee partnership

Meeting Goals and Expected Preparation


  • Apigee has a new option to host their website in Pantheon and they are charging 12K/year for it. This includes updates to drupal, pantheon and the apigee modules. UCSB already pays for Panteon support so we want to explore what it will cost to host the site with the UCSB discount.

Expected Preparation


TimeTopicOwnerNotes and Details
2mWelcome and Arrival
  • Welcome!
3mDiscussionCara Kalnow
  • Pantheon provides 2 plans for hosting an Apigee site

    • Apigee Elite - for us

    • Apigee Elite plus - not needed for us

  • Designed around data accessibility, includes the apigee modules

  • Support is included in the Apigee Elite bundle, but we pay already for support as part of our Pantheon contract. Because of that they can give us a 50% discount to host the Apigee site

  • $6000 annually, can sign for it for up to 3 years contract (This deal available if we sign contract before December 31, 2019

  • Current contract covers us until June 1st.

  • First payment will be June 1 2020

  • We need to decide if to bundle it with our Pantheon payment, or pay as a separate contract

  • Once our pantheon contract expires, the price will be up for negotiation again.

-Action Items

Diana Antova discuss with Matt Hall the price and support

Diana Antova discuss with Shea Lovan the option to fold this into the UCSB Pantheon contract

Ian Lessing (Unlicensed) discuss with Matt Paladino what is the best way to create the site to take advantage of this support