2020-10-08 - Meeting Notes





  • Updates on continuing development
  • Review, organize and add to work items

Focus points for this meeting

General update

Discussion items

  • Greetings and salutations


Navodit Setup and Onboarding
  • Access
    • Campus identity - done
    • Pantheon - verify access with netid (Steven)
    • Confluence (Diana)
    • Campus slack (Steven instructions)
    • Jira - new project ( Steven), permissions (Diana)
    • dev.developer.ucsb.edu login and site password (get it from the dev Pantheon site)
    • google chat 
    • Apigee - not yet, wait until it's needed
    •  virtual machine is not setup as expected, using a local laptop to setup the environment. Filezila is on the laptop. 
    • Steven - tested docker with Swee on the virtual machine. It requires a flag on the virtual machine to be set. 
    • Diana - talk to Allen to ask if we can get the option set on Swee's virtual machine - to enable virtualization on virtualization - Vscphere and bios.
    •  Navodit will continue to use the provided laptop. He is doing the initial attempt at the migration. The list of the modules ,matches with his understanding. He is installing them on the new instance. 

Developer Portal Migration to Drupal 8Ian Lessing (Unlicensed)

 Dev environment on the local machine. Lando - we will have a local copy and one in Pantheon.  Error upgrading the site, once resolved he will proceed. Keep track of errors and resolution. Keep in the Jira ticket. 

Advantages of Lando is having a repeatable development environment, that can be used by all. 

Migration of tickets from Library Jira to campus (SIST) Jira

BARC API server
  • BARC API server 
    • security will be enhanced on the BARC API Server
    • currently it uses basic authentication
    • Christian talked to Noah Baker, he provides the campus CAS (Oauth) person
    • class-code API comes from there
    • More APIs will be published in Apigee from the BARC API server

  • Will be using APIs in Apigee
  • POC project
  • Yaheya, Steven, James will be researching it
  • we are not going to get JWT token from campus

Reports and alertsDiana Antova 

 Splunk2 might be ready in 2 weeks

 Still waiting to hear from Thomas Howard

 no update

Student Developed Applications

 Steven and Seth met with the students. They are continuing to grow the sites. Two new members of the team are taking over. Henry is graduating, Jimmy is staying.

Meeting and group focus year 2020
  • Project focus
    • In progress - Drupal 8  (see also Drupal 8 Migration High Level Requirements)
    • Pending - AWS - migrate the Heroku code and the sql server database
    • Pending - Account cleanup automation
    • Pending - Identity integration and automation 
  • Apigee Support
    • 1 FTE on the apigee team to help with student development oversight and support
    • Now the students have to contact so many groups to have their accounts setup, an FTE can really help with that. Adding the functionality to developer.ucsb.edu to create accounts.
      • Drupal - OK to work with a student
      • For other projects like identity account creation and others it will be difficult to work with a student

Action items
