AAA (Academic Advising Assistant)

AAA (Academic Advising Assistant)


To request access: Requesting Access to Student Systems

Log in with UCSB NetID credentials (for login issues, email darshelp@sa.ucsb.edu


See also:

AAA Exception Workflow (DARS)


Notes regarding Graduate students:

  • DARS is the Degree Audit Reporting System (AAA) which is intended for viewing and tracking degree progress of undergraduate students. Grad student data is stored in a separate system (Grad Point) which is managed by Grad Div

  • Access to AAA is tied to the GOLD Emulation access, so grad advisors with GOLD Emulation access will inadvertently have access to AAA as well

  • Graduate students are not visible in AAA and you should expect to see the message "not DARS ready", unless they were previously an undergraduate student at UCSB

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