SREG - Student Registration System
The main menu is the entry point into the SREG application. This screen displays all main menu options for the SREG application regardless of whether the user has access to that option.
Unlike STAR, returning to the main menu in SREG will clear the Perm number you've been working with from your session. If you don't want to be continuously entering the Perm, try to avoid returning to the Main Menu when working with a particular student record.
All menu options on the left side of the screen will direct you to to the specified information about a particular student. The menu options on the right of the screen (with the exception of the Official Transcripts option) will lead to submenus.
Data Elements
Selection: specify the letter associated with the menu option you wish to select.
Quarter: If blank the quarter will default to the current system quarter. Otherwise a specific quarter may be specified using the QYY format.
Source: This value is intended to indicate the source of any transactions that are data entered into SREG for auditing purposes. Common values might be 'CL' (College), 'DP' (Department) or 'SYS' (System). The full list of values may be found on the Sources lookup screen under the T Submenu.
Initials: This is the Complete ID of the user logged into iSIS. This value should be pre-populated.
Additional Screens/F-Keys