D - 18 - Veteran Programs

D - 18 - Veteran Programs


Used to input Veterans programs for up to 14 students at a time.  This will allow data entry for any/all verified Veterans types. All of the Vet types are referenced in the "Programs" look up table in SRTB.

This data entry is almost entirely managed by staff in OFAS now.

Data Elements

ACT - A for add, D for Delete


Start QTR - First quarter that the program is active

End QTR - Last quarter that the program is active. Some Vet types are valid for only 1 academic year (like CVB) and must reflect that in the data entry.

PGM - Vet Type

Additional Screens/F-Keys

Special Processing/Bugs

The screen has a Veterans type validation, preventing users from entering any program type. It's not known whether or not this validation is from a reference table or hard coded into either the screen or the Programs table.