Instructional Resources Audit List (IRAL) Instructions

Instructional Resources Audit List (IRAL) Instructions


Each department is responsible for completing a quarterly Instructional Resources Audit List (IRAL) report, verifying its accuracy and submitting it by the deadline specified for the particular quarter. Following is an explanation of the various components of instructor data reporting that comprise the IRAL report and instructions for printing and completing the report. The departmental IRAL report is accessible from the I (Instructor Workload) screen in STAR, as indicated below. The report is not complete until every blank has been filled in with the appropriate data and all discrepancies have been resolved. See the last page of this document for submission instructions. If, after reading through these instructions, you have questions with respect to completing your IRAL, please do not hesitate to contact the Scheduling Unit in the Office of the Registrar. Any questions regarding STAR may be directed to regaccess@sa.ucsb.edu.

To print the departmental IRAL report

Step 1: From the STAR Main Menu, select “I” and the appropriate quarter.

Step 2: From the Instructor Workload Menu, select “IR” and the appropriate quarter.

Step 3: From the Instructor Reports Menu, select “01”.

Step 4: Enter Department code and appropriate email destination:

The Departmental IRAL may be printed at any time however only IRALs run after the census date for a given quarter should be submitted to the Scheduling Unit in the Office of the Registrar. If it is run prior to the third week census date, the report is titled "PRELIMINARY REPORT - PRIOR TO THIRD WEEK" and will show all classes on your department's schedule. Classes that have been cancelled and still have enrollment and those with no enrollment are marked with four asterisks. (NOTE: Classes that have been cancelled with enrollment will appear on the official report; classes with no enrollment as of the third week will not appear on the official report. You may want to arrange for students enrolled in cancelled classes to drop or be dropped prior to the third week census date, thus removing those classes from the report).

After the third week census date, the title of the report changes to "OFFICIAL REPORT - AFTER 3RD WEEK" and prints only classes with enrollment, regardless of their cancellation status. It is therefore imperative that your department encourage students to enroll in courses they are attending and make sure students enrolled in canceled classes have been dropped or moved into other sections prior to the end of the third week of the quarter.

Completing the department IRAL report

Course, Section, Enrollment Code

Course, section, enrollment code and type of instruction provide specific information that uniquely identifies each course in the schedule for a given quarter. The information that appears in these three fields is fixed and cannot be changed––all classes will appear on the Preliminary Report; classes with enrollment as of the third week census date will appear on the Official Report. Only primary sections are reported for faculty workload purposes to the Office of the President.

Type of Instruction

Type of instruction can only be changed via submission of a Master Course form. However, if the type of instruction indicated is incorrect, write the correct type of instruction on the completed IRAL report and forward it to the Office of the Registrar.

EI and ORG: Exceptional Instruction and Organization Exceptional Instruction

(EI) refers to special program classes; i.e. internship, self-paced instruction, fieldwork, or independent study. The Organization (ORG) field describes the way in which students assemble.

There are four ORG codes that identify the ways in which a course or section may be organized:

G = general assembly (primary sections that meet as a group for instruction, such as lectures or seminars)

P = partial assembly (secondary sections that are subsets of the primary, such as discussion or labs)

N = individualized study (self paced and independent studies courses)

S = special programs (internship and fieldwork courses)

If the ORG code is properly a G or P, the EI field must be blank. Only classes coded with an ORG of G are reported for faculty workload purposes to the Office of the President. It is critical that this field is reported accurately. Please take the time necessary to verify classes are coded correctly. If an EI value applies, both the EI field and ORG fields must be properly coded.

When EI is…

the ORG must be…

When EI is…

the ORG must be…

N (Independent Study)

N (Independent Study)

S (Self-Paced)

N (Independent Study)

O (Online)

N (Independent Study)

F (Field Work)

S (Special Program)

I (Internship)

S (Special Program)


To ensure that all EI and ORG coding is correct:

  1. Use the Departmental IRAL Report to review all courses listed and determine which of the courses meet as a group and which have special instruction. It is important to review every course. Every primary should have an ORG of G or an EI code and corresponding ORG. Every secondary should have an ORG of P or an EI code and corresponding ORG.

  2. Review every course. If corrections need to be made, make them in the STAR Course Section Update screen.

  3. When all of the Exceptional Instruction and Organization coding is completed and deemed to be correct, there should be no underscores (blanks) in the EI or ORG columns and no EI/ORG mismatches on the departmental IRAL Report.

Instructor table additions

In order for an instructor to be assigned to a class in the IRAL report, the instructor must have an Instructor ID. The Instructor ID is created and maintained in the instructor table. To add instructors to your department’s instructor table, use the instructor add/change function on STAR. To add an instructor in STAR, enter “I – Instructor Workload” from the main menu. Next, enter “IA – Instructor Add/Chg” and the quarter.

In the Instructor Add/change screen, fill in the Employee ID number and press Enter. On the next screen that appears (not pictured), there should be one entry with the instructor’s name. Select “1” for the corresponding entry and press enter. If there is no name displayed, the instructor is not in the payroll system. You may want to verify their status with your department’s business officer or with the payroll department. If there is more than one entry for the Employee ID number contact the Office of the Registrar Scheduling Unit. You will not be able to make changes to an instructor with a duplicate entry.

In the Instructor Update screen (above), the name, Employee ID number, sex and birth date should appear. To add the Instructor ID, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter subject area(s) for the instructor.

  2. If the instructor is approved for individualized instruction (i.e. independent studies/ delayed sectioning classes) and will need an instructor number, enter an “A” in the number field under the subject area(s) for which they will need an instructor number. This will supply the next available number for that subject area. (Note: teaching assistants should never be given an instructor number).

  3. If the instructor will only be teaching for one quarter enter “Y” in the One Quarter Only field. If the default of “N” is left, the instructor’s information will roll over to following quarters indefinitely.

  4. When the fields have been completed, press enter to update. The Title Code will update to match that of the UC Path Title Code. The Instructor ID will be generated based on the instructor’s name and initials. If an Instructor ID already exists in the table with the same last name and initials, a message will appear that the name is not unique and instruct you to contact the Office of the Registrar. Contact the scheduling unit and the entry will be made manually.

Instructor name

Review the instructor names that appear on the Departmental IRAL Report. If you need to enter instructors or make changes, do so in STAR, on the Course Section Update screen.

  1. To enter an instructor name in STAR: a) Enter instructor name in the Instructor field exactly as it appears on the instructor table (you may either refer to the Instructor List included with your department’s Schedule Proof or view on STAR using the BF or BI selections on the Instructor Workload Menu; or b) Enter the DSIR ID that appears on the instructor table (you can also view it on the BF and other selections on the Instructor Workload Menu) in the DSIR field in the Course Section Update screen in STAR. The DSIR ID is usually the same as the Employee ID number. After you input the DSIR ID and hit enter, the instructor name will appear.

  2. If an instructor is not on the table, you must add them using STAR. Once the instructor has been added to the instructor table, s/he may be added to the course using STAR.

  3. If the instructor of a primary is a TA and ineligible to be in charge of a class, both the TA and an instructor in charge must be listed. See the section on functions for related information.

  4. Up to four instructors may be listed for each course.


The DSIR ID is usually the same as the Employee ID number and is used as a tracking number for instructors who teach at UCSB. If you enter an instructor name in STAR and press enter, the DSIR ID will appear.

Academic Title Code

The Title Code is the four-digit number that appears on the Personnel Action Form (PAF) used to hire the instructor and identifies the instructor's position in the university. Be sure to report the academic title code if the instructor has more that one appointment.

  1. Correct inaccurate title codes. This occurs frequently when a teaching assistant has been appointed as an associate, or the reverse, but may occur for other instructors also.

  2. Include the title code for instructors you have added.

  3. Change the title code, when applicable, for corrected instructor entries.

  4. Only list instructors who have valid title codes.

    1. 11 _ _ Professor

    2. 17 _ _ Lecturer with security

    3. 12 _ _ Associate Professor

    4. 21 _ _ Supervisor

    5. 13 _ _ Assistant Professor

    6. 23 _ _ Graduate Teaching Assistant

    7. 14 _ _ Instructor

    8. 32 _ _ Research Assistant

    9. 15 _ _ Associate/Assistant

    10. 33 _ _ Specialist

    11. 16 _ _ Lecturer

    12. 36 _ _ Librarian

    13. 49 _ _ Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

  5. The title code may affect the function of the instructor. For example, teaching assistants must be listed with a function of 2 or 4. See the section on function for a list of these limitations.

FNC: Function

The function must be listed for all instructors to describe their role or involvement in relation to the course. There are four possible functions for an instructor.






Teaching and in charge: The instructor is responsible for the course, and has instructional contact with the students. Teaching assistants (Title Codes beginning with the ranks of 23 and 49) may NOT be listed with a function of one (1).


Teaching but not in charge: The instructor has instructional contact with students but is not responsible for the course. Teaching Assistants will always have a function of two (2).


In charge but not teaching: The instructor does not have instructional contact with students but is responsible for the course. The time the instructor spends for the course is in a non-teaching capacity. Teaching assistants may NOT be listed with a function of three (3).


No instructional contact: The instructor has no contact with students. The instructor may contribute time to the course, but this time is not in a teaching capacity. This function is primarily reserved for special programs, such as televised instruction and self-paced courses.

Each course or section must fulfill the following conditions:

  1. All courses and sections must have an instructor "teaching"; e.g. a function of 1 or 2. The only exception is for self-paced courses and courses with televised instruction.

  2. All primary sections, such as lectures, seminars, foreign language and English discussions, must have an instructor that is in charge:

    1. When the instructor also teaches the course, the function is one (1).

    2. When the instructor does not teach the course, but supervises others who teach the function is three (3).

  3. Teaching assistants with title codes beginning with the numbers 23 or 49 must be listed with a function of 2 or 4. They can never be listed as in charge of a course or section.

  4. When a TA is teaching a primary section, the instructor that is supervising the TA must also be added to the IRAL with a function of 3.

  5. Secondary sections (e.g., required discussions or labs) do not need an instructor "in charge" because the primary section will designate this information. Thus, a function of 1 or 2 may be assigned for any secondary section, depending on the title code of the instructor.

  6. If the same instructor is teaching the primary and the secondary, then the function may be the same for both sections.

  7. Televised and self -paced courses in which the instructor does not have student contact should be listed with a function of 4.

  8. When multiple instructors are responsible for the course, indicate the function that applies to each.

  9. Instructors with a function of 3 or 4 cannot have instructional contact time; the Instructional Hours field must be blank. However, additional instructors (listed with a function of 1 or 2) may have instructional hours.

Instr Hours: Instructional Hours

Instructional Time for a Course

The instructional time for a course is determined either by the Instructional Hours field or the Days/Time/Building/Room fields. If you complete the Instructional Hours field (using the guidelines in this section), then the Days/Time/Building/Room fields will not be used for determining instructional time. Otherwise, the computer will calculate the time by multiplying the number of days by the number of hours. For most courses, the Days/Time/Building/Room fields accurately reflect the instructional time for the course. You can identify exceptions with the guidelines in this section.

Instructional Hours

Instructional hours do NOT include any of the following: preparing course materials; reading papers; holding office hours; advising students; working with non-enrolled students; participating in graduate committees; doing academic research; meeting with administrative committees. The IRAL does not attempt to report total faculty workload, only TEACHING contact time. The Instructional Hours field reflects the average time per week spent by the instructor in contact with students. These hours can be listed to the hundredth decimal place. There will never be any information in this field when you receive the IRAL, but you should complete this field as outlined below.

  1. When any of the following fields are NOT completed, you must add instructional hours: Days, Time, Building, and Room. These fields may already be printed on the IRAL when you receive it, or you may add the information to complete the fields. Many courses, such as independent studies, will never have entries in the Days/Time/Building/Room fields, so you must list the instructional hours for these courses.

  2. When more than one instructor taught the course, and the instructors contributed different amounts of teaching time, list the hours for each instructor.

  3. When the instructor(s) spent more or less time than the scheduled hours for the course (computed by multiplying the number of days per week by the hours per week) indicate the total hours in the Instructional Hours field. For example, courses that have field trips or are scheduled in the computer lab might fall into this category.

    1. NOTE: The Instructional Hours field must reflect the TOTAL time spent by the instructor in contact with students. Do not list only the additional hours that the instructor spent, but ALL teaching time for the course.

  4. The instructional time does not have any relationship to the number of students in the course. The total time will be the average time spent in contact with students, per week. The number of students present will not alter the time. The best way to consider the total number of hours is to ask: "How many hours did the instructor spend each week teaching the course?" Recall that these hours should not include the time the instructor spent in non-teaching activities listed at the beginning of this section.

  5. When the instructor's function is a 3 or 4, instructional hours cannot be listed, even if it is underscored on the printout.

  6. When more than one instructor taught the course or section, and they met in several rooms or locations, list the instructional hours for each instructor. Do not list the number of hours the rooms were scheduled.

BLDG ROOM: Building and Room Assignment

The Building and Room fields indicate the location where the course was taught. The most recent scheduling information will appear on this report. Complete this field when the courses or section meet at a regular location and correct the information as needed, noting the guidelines below.

  1. Additions or corrections that involve rooms in the General Assignment Classroom Inventory will be verified with records in the Office of the Registrar before the information is altered.

  2. A list of accurate abbreviations for buildings are available through the following link: https://registrar.sa.ucsb.edu/locationcodes.aspx . Use these abbreviations for all entries.

  3. Up to four locations may be listed for any course or section when applicable.

  4. If the course or section did not meet in a regular location, leave this field blank. You need not write "unscheduled" or "no facility," but must include instructional hours for the course.

  5. When the course met regularly at an off campus location, you may list the location as "OFF CAMP," or “VNTRA CENTR” but you must include the days and time that the course met.

  6. If you do not complete the days, time and location fields for the course, the Instructional Hours field must be completed.


List days that the course or section met in this field. The most recent information received by the Office of the Registrar will be printed.

Abbreviations for each day are as follows:

M = Monday

T = Tuesday

W = Wednesday

R = Thursday

F = Friday

S = Saturday

U = Sunday

  1. When any course or section met on a regular basis, add the days as well as the scheduled time and location.

  2. Change days that are listed incorrectly. Additions or changes that will affect rooms in the General Assignment Classroom Inventory must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar on a Schedule Alteration Form before they will be altered.

  3. Building/Room usage is determined by the days, time, and location information. If you indicate scheduled days, you must also list the time and location.

  4. If the course meets in a particular location, such as a laboratory, but does not have scheduled days or time, you may list the location, but you must also list the instructional hours.


The time that the course met is listed in this field. 1. Complete the time field when the course had scheduled times, days, and location. 2. Include A.M. and P.M. designations. 3. Correct times on the IRAL that are inaccurate. 4. Added or changed times which will affect rooms in the General Assignment Classroom Inventory must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar on a Schedule Alteration Form before they will be updated. 5. If the course did not meet at a scheduled time, leave the field blank complete the Instructional Hours field.


The last three fields on the IRAL cannot be changed. These fields list information for your departmental records. “3rd Week Students” reflects the number of students enrolled as of the third week of classes. “Credit Hours” is based on the number of student enrolled at each class level and the units for the course. “Number of Weeks” is set at ten for fall, winter, and spring quarters, and although this number may not appear for every entry, the number is established in the computer for all courses and sections.

Cancelled Courses or Sections

There may be some courses or sections on the IRAL which were cancelled or in which all students dropped the courses by the end of the quarter. These courses are not identified on this report, since the only criteria for the report is whether third week enrollment is present. It is important that you provide accurate information for all courses and sections whether or not they had final enrollment. If you have specific questions about completing information for cancelled courses or sections, please contact the Scheduling Unit in the Office of the Registrar.

Added Courses or Sections

Do not add courses or sections to the IRAL. If you feel that third week enrollment was present for a course or section which is not listed, contact the Scheduling Unit in the Office of the Registrar.

Submitting the completed departmental IRAL report

When all data for IRAL reporting has been completed (i.e. no blanks appear on the printed departmental IRAL), and all discrepancies have been resolved (all EI and ORG coding is correct), E-MAIL the completed report to the Academic Scheduling Specialist in the Office of the Registrar.

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