New Employee Onboarding Dashboard

New Employee Onboarding Dashboard

Getting Started: Your First Week at Work

Welcome aboard! We're excited to have you with us!

TO DO List:

  1. Complete the New Hire Personal Information Form sent by Library HR for entry into the UCPath Payroll System.
  2. Complete the Universal background check sent to you via email
  3. Complete Section 1 of the I9 which is automatically sent via email after successful hire in UCPath.
  4. Contact Transportation & Parking Services about setting up your parking permit for your first day. 
  1. Meet with Library Human Resources (Administration 3rd Floor Oceanside)
    1. Create your UCSBNetID and password
    2. Enroll in Duo multi-factor authentication
    3. Logon to campus/UC services with your UCSBnetID and password
      1. UCPath
      2. Connect Email (Gmail) and Connect Calendar (Google calendar)
      3. Kronos timekeeping system (access with Google Chrome Web Browser)
    4. Review our Employment Life Cycle
  2. Turn your UCSB Campus ID / Access Card into a library card at the Services Desk
  3. Transportation and Parking 
    1. After creating a parking account online you may purchase a permit at TPS (Transportation & Parking Services) – OR -- 
    2. join the TAP (Transportation Alternative Program)
  4. Tour your department and meet your colleagues!
  5. Set up your Zoom phone.
  6. Explore the Staff Directory
  7. Log-in to your assigned computer/s with your Windows login/password
  8. Log-in to Confluence Wiki  and explore the library's collaborative spaces
  9. Register for a Campus New Employee Orientation  or check out their online eNEO for remote employees. 
  10. Plan to attend or view a UCPath Benefits Webinar.
  1. Departmental training 
  2. As time allows, become familiar with the Library's Mission, Vision and Values, the Full Strategic Plan, as well as past newsletters and other library communications
  3. Library tour beyond your department (by Director/Supervisor)
  4. Review the Incident Response Manual. 
    1. Schedule time with your department DSR to go over the Safety Checklist. 
  5. Begin required compliance trainings (Sexual Harassment, Cyber Security, Ethics, Substance Abuse) via the UC Learning Center
  6. Watch the 'X' Model of Engagement by BlessingWhite to understand how to align your job satisfaction with your job contributions.
  1. Departmental training
  2. Schedule a meeting with your DSR (Department Safety Representative) for a safety tour and evacuation orientation during the first week
  3. Complete the UCSB Online Ergonomic Training & Assessment via UC Learning Center and schedule an office ergonomic evaluation with Building Operations staff (x3220) within first month
  4. Review the Travel Planning and Reimbursement Guidelines
  5. Websites / Information to explore
    1. Library Human Resources
    2. /wiki/spaces/LIB/pages/17168698633
    3. UC Principles of Community
    4. Workplace Conduct Policies
    5. Environmental Health & Safety
      1. Injury & Illness Prevention Program
    6. Recreation
    7. Staff Assembly
    8. CSAC (Chancellor's Staff Advisory Council)
  6. Review union contract (if applicable)
  7. Sign up for Library's Crossroads e-newsletter

LAUC-SB website  (Librarian Association of UC Santa Barbara)

LAUC System-wide website

Academic Personnel website 

Mandatory Employment Notices

Workplace Conduct Policies

Worker's Compensation

Leave Administration (for Staff employees)

Leave of Absence (for Academic employees)