Graduate Scholars Program

The Graduate Scholars Program is designed to provide support and tools for success to incoming graduate students from populations that are historically underrepresented in the academy. They include underrepresented minorities, first generation college students, students who identify as LGBTQ, females in departments with less than 20 percent female enrollments, veterans, disabled students, or any other students from non-traditional backgrounds. Program benefits include:

  • Participation in “mentoring families,” groups that match first-year students with an advanced doctoral student mentor to meet monthly throughout the winter and spring quarters. Students also have the opportunity to meet with faculty mentors, to broaden their mentoring network.

  • Direct access to professional development workshops, panels, and an orientation to resources provided in collaboration with the Graduate Student Resource Center, starting fall quarter.

  • Invitation to networking events and informal gatherings starting fall quarter with graduate students from across campus, visiting and UCSB-based faculty, and Graduate Division Diversity & Outreach Peers, to open lines of direct communication and promote community building.

 Recruitment for the Graduate Scholars Program takes place just before and during the first couple weeks of fall quarter. Students are selected for invitation to the program based on information provided on their graduate admissions application, and student lists are sent to departments in case they know of additional students to invite. Faculty and Advanced Graduate Student Mentor nominations will also be solicited from departments early in fall quarter. Students in their second year are invited to remain in the program, and all GSP alumni are invited to the networking events.