@apibot - team command Requirements

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Ticket(s)TitleUser StoryPriorityNotes

Manage Users in a TeamAs an API Gateway Admin, I would like a way to add, remove, and list users within a Team.MUST HAVE
  • @apibot team <team-name> add <developer-email> (docs)
  • @apibot team <team-name> remove <developer-email>(docs)
  • @apibot team <team-name> [list] (docs)

Reassign the Admin Role of a Team to another UserAs an API Gateway Admin, I would like to be able to reassign the owner of a Team to a new member (in case the owner forgets to do some before leaving the Team).MUST HAVE
  • @apibot team <team-name> owner <developer-email> (docs)

List All TeamsAs an API Gateway Admin, I would to be able to see a list of all Teams. Team names will be used as input in other commands.MUST HAVE
  • @apibot team[s] [list] (docs)

Create/Remove a TeamAs an API Gateway Admin, I would like to be able to create and remove Teams.MUST HAVE
  • @apibot team <team-name> create <owner-developer-email>(docs)

Rename a TeamAs an API Gateway Admin, I would like to be able to rename a Team.MUST HAVE
  • You can't rename the "internal name", but you can rename the display name.
    • Are we okay with Display Name not matching the Internal Name (question)
  • @apibot team <team-name> rename <new-team-name>(docs)

User Interaction, Design & Architecture

Examples and References


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

QuestionOutcomeDecision Date