2022-09-22 Developer Portal Username Communication Plan

The Changes

  • The update will update the CAS Username field only, and check the Allow to login with CAS checkbox.


Communication should include

  • An update is coming on date Sep 30, 2022

  • The update is to move us towards using the Campus SSO provider.

  • The update will not change anything with your accounts

  • You will be able to login to your personal accounts using your UcsbNetId

  • You will still need to login to functional accounts using the username/email address and password.



  • Currently unable to login through CAS using “Connect Functional Accounts”?

    • Group Thought (not decision): Maybe we just have the functional accounts login using the old methodology.





Developer Portal Campus SSO Integration - 10/31/2022


Hello Campus API Gateway Consumers,

We are taking our first steps to integrate https://developer.ucsb.edu with the Campus SSO systems. This first step is going to switch Personal Accounts (aka. Proof of Concept accounts) to login using the Campus UCSB NetID/password. We will not be updating the login for Functional Accounts until a later time. We are planning to make this update on 10/31/2022.

To do this, we will be updating the Login page to have 2 different ways to login. One for the Functional Accounts (used for production applications) and the other for Personal Accounts:

This change will only impact the developer portal (https://developer.ucsb.edu/) and will have no impact on the API services themselves. Application keys will continue to work as expected.

We expect this to be a seamless change with no impact to your ability to login and manage your accounts; but please reach out to us at support@developer.ucsb.edu if you run into any issues.


Campus API Gateway Team