Requesting Access to Student Systems

Requesting Access to Student Systems

Please allow 1-4 business days for access requests to be reviewed and approved.

Before being granted access to any student systems (such as AAA, eGrades, STAR, etc.), all staff and faculty members must complete the required online FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) training. The user will only need to complete this training once; if they have completed it in a prior position at UCSB, there is no need to retake it.

To access the training, navigate to the UC Learning Center: https://uc.sumtotal.host/

  • Choose "UCSB"

  • Log in with your UCSB NetID and password

  • Choose "Find a course"

  • Type "FERPA" in the search box

  • Use the "select" button on the right-hand side to start the "SB FERPA Training UCSB" course

After the FERPA training has been completed, departments may submit a request in the Request for Access to Student Systems page. Student system access can only be requested by the department administrator (usually the MSO/Business Officer, Chair, or Director), who has been assigned a department password for this purpose. Our standard policy is that individuals may not request systems access for themselves, for example:

Requests for Business Officers must be placed by the Department Chair or Director
Requests for the Department Chair must be placed by the Department Director or Business Officer Requests for the Department Director must be placed by the Department Chair or Business Officer

If requests need to be made for multiple employees, one form per person must be submitted. It is the department’s responsibility to also request a cancelation of access using the same form when the employee separates from their role in the department.

If the department is unclear what systems to request access to, select “other” and describe the user’s role or the tasks they will need to complete, and the Registrar’s Office will make a determination on which access to approve.

Department Login Trouble? Please note that the administrators have been assigned a department-specific password to access the request form. Users cannot reset their own department’s password. If the password cannot be located, please have a department administrator reach out to regaccess@sa.ucsb.edu and a representative will provide the correct password.

Please email Regaccess@sa.ucsb.edu with any questions.


Reg Access Systems:

  • AAA (Academic Advising Assistant)

  • Gaucho BLUE

    • ADMS

    • STAR

    • SREG

    • SSDA

  • eGrades

  • Power BI

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