GradPoint Financial Portal Fund Program Request Form - How to complete

GradPoint Financial Portal Fund Program Request Form - How to complete

Use the GradDiv DocuSign PowerForm template to submit the GradPoint Financial Portal Fund Program Request Form. Requests can take up to 10 business days to process by Graduate Division.

Use this form to request a new or remove an existing fund program for your campus department or unit.

Ledger Account Owner: This is department or unit that responsible for the ledger the account resides. The form needs to be signed by the Department Chair or Research Unit Director from where the account resides.

Long Account String (LAS): 16 character LAS that starts 8-78 (this is the only type of account that can be used to set up funds in the GD Financial Portal):

Location: 8

Account: 78**** (6 digits)

Fund: ***** (5 digits)

Sub: 3 or 5 or 7 only

Short Account Name: Account identifier for the department or unit. Limited to 8 characters, e.g. TRAINING, or ABC34FYII. Use what works for your department/unit.

The description that will show in the portal’s Aid ID, will be “LAS + Short Account Name”, e.g. 8-781234-12345-x TRAINING

LAS verified in PeopleSoft: Only 8-78 accounts that have been verified in PeopleSoft can be added.

Action Requested: Use “New” for brand new LAS requests or to extend an Aid ID/LAS that has expired and additional years need to be added.

Type of Funding: Who is providing the funding and setting the rules that govern the award or program? Choose one of:

  1. Endowment

  2. Gift

    • Is either a gift to UCOP (University of California, Office of the President) or a specific gift to the UCSB campus. It would either be coming from a profit or non profit source.

  3. Other funding support that originates from:

    1. Federal Government (specify on the fund request form)

    2. State of California Government

    3. UCOP

    4. UCSB Campus

    5. Outside Agency (for profit organization)

    6. Outside Agency (non profit organization)

    7. Outside Agency (individual)

If none of the choices match the origins of the funding source of the account you are trying to connect to the portal, contact financial@graddiv.ucsb.edu prior to completing the form for additional guidance.

Eligibility requirement for award: What type of financial support is being awarded (refer back to the rules that governs the award or program). (Source) Options are (choose all that apply):


    • Eligibility for an award is based primarily on academic merit but can include other types of skills/talents (such as leadership, athletics, etc.), as evidenced by past performance and future potential. (If it is up to the department to choose the recipient, then it can be merit based)


    • A need-based award is an award contingent upon the financial need of the student. A student is defined as ‘needy’ only if the student qualifies for financial aid based on the Federal methodology standards. One exception to this rule is that Graduate Divisions have been allowed to use their own methodology to determine need, as long as it is at least as stringent as the Federal methodology. If outside agencies or other UC departments set their own standards in defining when a student is needy, these awards are to be coded as non-need-based on the financial aid input file. However, if campuses can determine that 95%-100% of these students would be needy under the Federal definition of need, then campuses can make a judgment call and code these awards as need-based.


    • Diversity award are intended to broaden the diversity of UC’s student population. Possible dimensions for the diversity goal include, but are not limited to: age, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities/qualities, race, national origin, sexual orientation, educational background, geographic location, military experience, parental status, religious beliefs, educational interests, research interests and commitment to particular communities. Note that the goal for the award is separate from the actual process by which recipients are selected. The selection of recipients for the awards may not necessarily involve consideration of the dimensions listed and, in some cases, may be prohibited from considering certain dimensions.

Expected years the fund program will be needed.

Departments can choose to identify current and/or future years. At the end of that academic year, the Aid ID will expire and no longer be visible in the portal. e.g. a department requests an Aid ID is active for 23-24 to 25-26 academic years. The Aid ID will expire at the end of the 25-26 academic year and no longer be available in 27-28.

All future years: Assumes the current academic year as the starting year, and the Aid ID will remain active perpetually. Departments will need to submit a “Remove” fund request for it to be removed form the portal.

Alternate Campus Unit Access to Fund Program: In the case that two campus units require access to the same funds, an additional campus unit can be requested to be able to use the Aid ID associated with this LAS. Both campus units can enter commitments using the Aid ID without the approval of the other. The department or unit owning the ledger must initiate this request.


The form must be signed by the Department Chair or Research Unit Director from where the account resides. It should not be the Business Officer or other Faculty, but needs to be signed by the Department Chair or Research Unit Director ultimately responsible for the funds.


Any questions, please contact sa-financial@ucsb.edu.