Year Five
Written Ph.D. Dissertation
File your thesis according to Graduate Division’s instructions by the filing deadline. Be sure to send the Staff Graduate Advisor a copy of your approved thesis (PDF) and signature page as well.
The dissertation is written on a subject chosen by the candidate that is related to an area of study in the DCB. It must be of such nature as to enable the student to demonstrate their ability to carry out independent investigation and study.
Consult your PI and thesis committee on your writing progress.
Graduate Council has established guidelines for the formatting of dissertations in order to ensure uniformity for manuscripts that are archived in the UCSB Library, as well as to ensure the widest possible dissemination of graduate student research.
Refer to formatting resources and templates provided by Graduate Division.
Graduate Division Submission
Electronically file your dissertation via ProQuest by the filing deadline.
Submit your signed signature page to by the filing deadline.
Complete Graduate Division’s Exit Surveys
Departmental Submission
Email your approved thesis (PDF) and signature page (PDF) to the Staff Graduate Advisor
Complete the Departmental Exit Survey
Final Defense
Notify the Staff Graduate Advisor at least two weeks prior to your final thesis defense. In a public presentation, the candidate will defend the dissertation before the Dissertation Committee. Upon approval, the dissertation submitted according to Graduate Division’s filing guidelines.
For the Defense of the Dissertation, the candidate must defend their work before the Dissertation Committee and give a one-hour public seminar presentation. The public presentation is considered part of the Examination. The Committee will meet with the student after the Examination to discuss any areas that need revision or additional work. The dissertation must have preliminary approval of all members of the Ph.D. Committee before the final oral presentation is scheduled.
The student must advertise the defense. At least two weeks in advance of the defense date, the student should email the Staff Graduate Program Advisor to request an announcement be forwarded to all members of the Department and to verify that all forms are in order.
The student must provide the following information:
Date, Time, and Location of the defense
Any changes to the dissertation committee
The title of the dissertation
An abstract of the dissertation
Wrapping Things Up
Reach out to the Staff Graduate Advisor to make sure that loose ends are tied before departing from campus.