Campus API Security Requirements

Campus API Security Requirements

Project TitleCampus API Gateway
JIRA Project
Project Lead
Project Team

Background & Business Value

Provide a secure and standardized way to access resources through the Campus API Gateway.


  • Use OAuth2 (or something similar)
  • Provide secure access to data (P1 and up)

Out of Scope

  • Defining Authorization/Permissions System(s)

What we would like from Campus IdM

Poorly Used Terms

  • Campus API Gateway and Apigee can be used interchangeably (unless otherwise specified).
  • Campus IdM can refer to PingIdentity, PingFederate, CAS 3.0, Shibboleth,  OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server or OpenId Authorization Server.
    • The definition should be understandable from the context. If not clear, the text should be clarified and updated.


Initial Requirements Outline

NameUser Token
in Application
App Token
in Application
User Token
in Browser
App Token
in Browser

App OAuth
in API Gateway
User OAuth
in API Gateway
OAuth Lookup
in Resource Server
to Campus API Gateway


X(not expected)
to Resource Server


X(not expected)X
Application w/ User
to Resource Server

X(not expected)X
SSO Application w/ User
to Resource Server

X(not expected)X

Browser App
to Campus API Gateway

(not suggested*)

XX(not expected)
Browser App
to Resource Server

(not suggested*)

XX(not expected)X
Browser App w/ User
to Resource Server

(not suggested*)

XXX(not expected)X
SSO Browser App w/ User
to Resource Server

(not suggested*)

XXX(not expected)X
SSO Single Page Application Alt
(All Code Runs in Browser)

(not suggested*)

XXX(not expected)X

* = Browsers Apps are not suggested because security through the API Gateway is based upon the Client Application (Web Application) permissions. In all scenarios the Authentication Token for the Client Application can't be securely used in a browser. However, we understand that it will happen, so there is some guidance within the documentation.

Requirements Documents


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

QuestionOutcomeDecision Date

Can CAS do all the things OAuth does without the need for pre-registering Service Accounts? How does it handle the implicit grant scenario? Is CAS a protocol or a product?

What is Shibboleth and how does it fit into all this?

Shibboleth is an Open Source SSO Federation system.


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