Determine a strategy for how to support student development for mobile apps that require the use of student data, and more specifically the support for the GoGaucho app (
Login screen to get the student ucsbnetid and password
Login to GOLD with the student credentials
Screen scrape the class schedule screen and present it to the student in a mobile app
Technologies used
iOS and Android apps
Heroku for server-side development
The students have registered a student organization with about 20 people - iOS developers, Android developers, back-end developers, marketing person, and project managers.
They have a professor sponsor their app development - Tobias Hollerer -Professor of Computer Science Department
Oversight of the technologies and security of the apps
We have been in communication with the students, reviewed their implementation and identified several security improvements
Will begin regular meetings with the students after Dec 11.
Provide APIs and better security implementation
We can provide the necessary data and security mechanisms to remove the need for screen scraping
Google oAuth for authenticating the student which will be transitioned to the campus oAuth when it becomes available
The Student basic API was released today to allow them to get the perm from the ucsbnetid
Class schedule API is on the roadmap to replace the need for screen scraping the student schedule
Provide other APIs as needed - dining menus, events, etc. The dining menus API already exists and we are in conversations with Public Affairs and Associated Students to provide an events API.