Usually students are placed on monitoring status for at least one quarter before being escalated to probation (since a consequence of probation is the loss of funding/employment)
In certain circumstances it may be appropriate to place a student on probation without a quarter of monitoring first, such as when a student fails the first attempt at a qual/comp exam, and only has one attempt left.
Please read this documentation as well: https://ucsb-atlas.atlassian.net/l/c/aEvXf19u and https://ucsb-atlas.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GUM/pages/1787625835/Standing+Tab#How-Academic-Status-Effects-Funding
How to initiate a Department Standards of Scholarship Report
Navigate to the student’s Action Tab in GradPoint Academics and click the Begin Action button
Step 1 - Submit Department Standards Report - Completed by the Staff Graduate Advisor