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For Central Recruitment Fellowships select Merit Diversity in the Nomination Type bar. In Desired Award bar select either the Chancellor’s Fellowship or the Eugene Cota-Roble Fellowship and click save.
Select the Save button and the message Progress Saved appears if the nomination was successfully recorded. The remaining nominations count is updated. Note: An error message will appear if you have exceeded the maximum number of nominations allocated to your department and you will not be able to save your nomination.
Notification messages appear if the applicant you are attempting to nominate is ineligible. Nominations are not recorded for candidates receiving these notifications. Sample notification messages include:
** Note: International applicants are not eligible for Merit-Diversity nominations.
** Only applicants in doctoral or M.F.A. programs are eligible for nomination.
** You are unable to nominate this applicant due to application decision status.
App Review will permit you to nominate an applicant from the Deny Queue, but will prevent you from nominating an applicant from Processed Apps with an App Status of Denied Admission.
Delete a nomination
To delete a nomination whose status is Nomination Submitted, from the Applicant Nominations screen, select the applicant by clicking the edit link in their nomination record and select the Delete button. For nominations whose status is Nomination Approved, the Nomination Approver must first remove the nomination approval before the Submitter can delete the nomination. See the Nomination Approver section below for information on removing approvals.
***Please note that all nominations must be in Nomination Approved status prior to the nomination deadline. After the deadline, all functionality supporting the Recruitment Competition will cease for both Nomination Submitters and Nomination Approvers. Specifically, Submitters will not be able to add or delete nominations , edit rank order for Merit candidates or upload nomination memos. Submitters attempting to nominate applicants after the deadline will receive the following message:
Login to the App Review system and select the appropriate department from the drop-down box.
Select Fellowship Nominations from the --Navigate-- drop down.
This will bring you to the Applicant Nominations screen.
To approve all or some of the nominations, first select the applicants to approve by selecting the appropriate check-boxes for the applicants, select Approve Nominations from the Action drop-down then press the Apply to Selected Nominations button.
If you attempt to approve a nomination for an applicant whose Admissions Status is Denied Admission, the following error message will appear: A selected nomination has a denied or incomplete admission status.
To continue, uncheck the check-box for this applicant then press the Apply to Selected Nominations button. This will update the status of these applicants to Nomination Approved. The Submitter must delete the nomination of the Denied Admission applicant and nominate another.
Removing a Nomination Approval
To remove a nomination approval, first select the applicant to remove approval by selecting the appropriate check-boxes for the applicant, select Remove Nomination Approvals from the Action drop-down then press the Apply to Selected Nominations button.
Options Elections
Mention Schedules
For more details (link to procesures guide) After the nomination(s) is approved the Graduate Division will input the award and release it to the department to make their options elections. Each Recruitment Fellowship will have three options to choose from. For more details see the /wiki/spaces/GUM/pages/17024122972. To enter the options elections the submitter has to login to the App Review system and select the appropriate department from the drop-down box. Select Fellowship from the --Navigate-- drop down. In Application Nominations page select the options elections tab.
For departments who have multiple Recruitment Fellowship allocations, it is important to enter the options elections for both awards at the same time. Once the option(s) is selected click submit.
Once the option elections have been made by the Submitter and are ready for approval, the Approver must login to the App Review system prior to the nomination deadline and approve the elections.
Login to the App Review system and select the appropriate department from the drop-down box. Select Fellowship from the --Navigate-- drop down. In Application Nominations page select the options elections tab.
Racial Justice Fellowship Nominations