| Review Homepage Design | Eric Mayes | Decisions - Change homepage tool items - each box will have a tool description a Login link, a More link
- remove Read More
- add tool intro description into each item box
- Login link will go to the login page eg. app.powerbi.com for power bi login link
- More link will bring up a home page for each tool. eg. the more link for Hyperion will be https://www.datawarehouse.ucsb.edu/hyperion
- Update Overview menu to have a list of all tool links. eg Hyperion will link to https://www.datawarehouse.ucsb.edu/hyperion
- There is a need for professional services and governance. This is not required by 4/6/2020. These pages can be added later
- The power bi home page will have a list of applications. This list will not be dynamic. It will be hard coded into the page and updated as needed. The list may require dynamic content if updates become too frequent.
- Request Access for Power BI will automatically create a PBI free license based on Farah's power shell script