: The API Access Request form ask for the Applications Name, which is generally filled out as a normal human readable name. However this name is usually different than the actual 'application name' that is registered in the API Gateway (for example. Request "CS48 Project" is for Application "cs48test"). Do we want to setup a multline input box that will ask for the exact name of all applications that are associated with the request? Sometimes requests will need to be split up into multiple apps (for cams).
GauchoSpace Request
One other data source that GauchoSpace would benefit greatly from is Waitlist data. Many instructors would like to make their courses available to students who are on the waitlist before they get added to the class, so that they can access the materials or do any required work. Right now that requires jumping through some hoops and we could make it easier if we had that data. For our purposes, we would only need a list of students who were on the list for a course, not their position on the list.
Something to consider for the roadmap, if it isn't already being considered.
Registrar is not comfortable with loading this data into Gaucho Space. Anthony will respond.