Departmental Chair Directory

The DCB Chairperson is responsible for the administration of the teaching, research, and service functions of the Department. The Vice-Chairperson, the members of the Executive Committee, and the Management Services Officer (also known as the Business Manager), who is the chief administrator for the staff, work closely with the Chairperson.

Policies and procedures for the department are developed through a consultative process utilizing input from various departmental standing committees, faculty, staff and students. DCB policies and procedures are developed and maintained in accordance with campus and university-wide policies and procedures, such as those set forth by the Graduate Council and the Graduate Division. The Graduate Council is an Academic Senate committee with jurisdiction over graduate education. Supervised by the Graduate Dean, the Graduate Division carries out the directives of the Graduate Council.






Management Services Officer

Dr. Mattanjah de Vries
Chemistry, Room 4221 | | x5921

Dr. Kevin Plaxco
BioEngineering, Room 3002 | x5558

Heather Gardner     
Building 232, Room 1007 | | x2926