Instructor Function Codes - STAR

Instructor Function Codes - STAR

Systems Affected

STAR - Instructor function codes are changed under a specified course in STAR, but affect the way the instructor is able to access and interact with their current course list in eGrades. The department advisor typically adds the instructor function code, but the Systems Staff in the Office of the Registrar can update it in urgent situations

CRES - Only if the Office of the Registrar has already frozen IRAL/DSIR-ID updates right before a grade deadline, then a representative from the Office of the Registrar will need to edit the function code through the CRES application.

Function Codes Descriptions

   1 – Instructor in charge and has direct student contact (Instructing, grading; submits grades)

   2 – Instructor not in charge, but has direct student contact (e.g. TA, teaching but cannot submit grades)

   3 – Instructor in charge, but does not have direct student contact (e.g. faculty coordinating laboratory courses; submits grades)

   4 – Instructor not in charge and has not direct student contact (e.g. a grader or someone that produced course materials but is not involved in teaching the course; cannot submit grades)

Please note that the only instructors assigned a function code '1' and '3' can actually submit grades, so for example if you assign a TA a function code of a '2,' they will only be able to upload and save grades but only the instructor in charge with a function code of '1' or '3' will have the ability to press the 'submit grades' button and submit grades for a course

Change a Function Code

 1)     Open STAR
         Under the 'Selection' field, input the letter 'C'
         In the "Quarter' field, input the current quarter in the format 'QYY' 
         Push enter

2)      Enter the course enrollment code and push the F1 key to enter update mode.

3)      Under the function column, enter the appropriate instructor function code (list and descriptions above) to provide the instructor with intended access
         Push enter to confirm changes.

Note that, in addition to the 'FUN' field, the 'Instructor' and 'DSIR-ID' fields also need to be inputted followed by the 'Enter' key in order to add the instructor to a course.

  • DSIR-ID = employee ID. When an employee record is loaded the first time and no instructor record exists, the creation of the instructor record will copy this value over.
  • Instructor = instructor name in system. This value is auto-populated based on Last name, first initial, middle initial.  If there's already a record with that value for the term, a member of the Registrar's Scheduling team must manually create the record with a unique ID.



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