eGrades Grade Changes

eGrades Grade Changes

Instructors-in-Charge can initiate grade/unit changes through the eGrades system once grade processing for the term has completed (usually concludes by 3pm the day after the grading deadline).

Grade changes cannot take place between the grading deadline the completion of grade processing. Attempts will result in this error:

Reason: Grade changes cannot be accepted during grade processing. Grade changes can be initiated after processing is completed.

After the grading deadline has passed and grade processing is complete, a yellow ‘Change Grade’ button will display next to each student whose grade can be changed.

To make a grade/unit change for a student that already has an existing grade, you are required to select a reason for the grade/unit change. (Note: unit changes can only take place for courses with variable units)


To record a grade for a student that does not already have an existing grade, no reason is required.


Instructors will be prompted to enter their eGrades (netID) password for each grade change. Instructors can make changes retroactively for any previous quarters so long as they have an active appointment in UC Path and so long as the student has not already earned their degree.

Department Chairs/Acting Chairs/Grading Coordinators can also initiate grade changes, for any course that is affiliated with the department in the case of instructor absence (retirement, etc.).

Letter grades must be assigned to all courses with optional grading. Once submitted, letter grades for students who have selected P/NP grading will convert accordingly.

Grading Option cannot be changed in eGrades. Students who wish to change grading option should consult with their College regarding this policy.

Grades cannot be changed to blank, NG (No Grade), or NR (No Report) or I (Incomplete) in eGrades.

If eGrades will not allow a grade change for a student, please email RegRecords@sa.ucsb.edu.

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