Student Summary
The Student Summary box displays a snapshot view of the student’s data from the Office of the Registrar. Note that the student is not currently enrolled when the Last Reg. Quarter field is a past term, not the current quarter.
Perm - Student perm ID
Open Obj. - Does the student have an open UCSB degree objective
Class Level - Current class level in their Last Reg. Quarter
Current Units - The number of units that the student was registered for in their Last Reg. Quarter
Units Incomplete - Total number of incomplete units the student has on their transcript
International - International student status
Major/Obj1 - Student’s major and highest open degree objective
Employee ID - UCSB employee ID; N/A for students who have never been employed by UCSB
Last Reg. Quarter - The last quarter that the student was registered for
Cumulative GPA - Cumulative UCSB graduate GPA
First P3 Quarter - The first quarter a doctoral student is projected to become P3, which is when the non-resident student waiver period ends for international students
Visa - Student’s visa type
CA Resident - California resident status
Major/Obj2 - Student’s major and secondary open degree objective