Drupal 8 Initial Migration Notes


We decided to take the approach of ... (original notes in 2019-03-01 Meeting Notes)

  • Creating a new instance of Drupal 8 using the Public Affairs custom upstream in Pantheon
  • Denise will the setup the instance to use Composer, break the upstream source, and redesign the site to use UCSB standards but keep the feel of the current site.
  • Denise and API Team will then integrate the Apigee Drupal module and get it working.
  • The API Team will then transfer of the information from the old site to the new site (by hand).


Denise Saludares (Unlicensed)
Ian Lessing (Unlicensed)


Phase 1
  • New site creation with the new UCSB using the public affairs distribution
  • Apigee modules installation
  • Transfer current site content
  • Setup and transfer workflow and rules
  • Migrate user accounts
  • Home page design
  • We estimate the project to take about 160 hours
  • The Apigee team has limited resources that will be available to assist, provide guidance, and testing with the migration.
Phase 2
  • Automate the lookup to check for Apigee module updates 
  • Automate the application of Apigee module update
  • Connect to campus SSO
  • Implement Apigee Teams feature
possible too: Dependabot
Phase 3
  • Account cleanup automation
    • Move all components to AWS (database, existing code)
    • Develop account cleanup code
    • As part of the AWS migration we can migrate the Heroku components for the chatbot

ItemWhoDateNotesJira Issue Link

Convert a Standard Drupal 8 Site to a Composer Managed Site

Denise Saludares (Unlicensed)

Ian Lessing (Unlicensed)

4/5/2019Site is now managed via Composer and no longer uses Public Affairs' custom upstreamAPIGEE-216
Found that Apigee has a Kickstarter Drupal Distro. This distro may have enough advantages to cause us to reverse our decision of managing the developer portal Drupal instance with Composer.Denise Saludares (Unlicensed)Ian Lessing (Unlicensed)Steven Maglio7/18/2019

Ian had a call with Pantheon people who manage the Pantheon's partnership with Apigee

Ian Lessing

Cara Kalnow


Matt Paladino matt.paladino@pantheon.io


What I learned on my call with Pantheon Apigee people today. 2019-08-15

1.) Because Apigee will discontinue paying for Developer Portal hosting in June 2020 (next year) Pantheon has a new service offering for Apigee customers who want to continue using Pantheon to host their developer portals. This new service offering has 2 tiers. $12k per year and $28k per year.
(see marketing flyer for more info)

2.) If we were to purchase this service before Dec 31, 2019 there are some discounts we could get through the end of our agreement/contract with Apigee.

3.) Their Apigee dev portal service would not be part of our existing UCSB Organizational hosting unless someone at ETS could negotiate such a deal with Pantheon. This is why Shea Lovan can't easily create a site for us with the Apigee upstream.

4.) Pantheon gave access to their Git repo of the Apigee Distro which we could set as a custom upsteam to get our Drupal 8 Apigee developer portal up and running now. URL: https://github.com/mpaladino/kickstarter_portal.git I think this is our best option at this point and provides us with an Apigee upstream at a DIY price.

5.) Cara-Kalnow-email-with-pricing.pdf

Manage with ComposerUCSB Campus custom upstreamApigee Kickstarter Drupal Distro


Matt Paladino's repo



This Drupal 8 instance started with campus upstream and then was detached (aka compose-ified)



Drupal.org Documentation

Apigee Documentation




Flexibility to utilize any Drupal module including custom module(s)

Theme is provided by UCSB office of Public Affairs

Flexibility to utilize any Theme including custom theme if we like.

Pantheon provides prompt Drupal core updates.

Theme is provided by UCSB office of Public Affairs and updates flow to developer portal without effort by UCSB Apigee volunteer team.

Efficient Update Strategy via Pantheon Dashboard which includes updates to Drupal core and Apigee Edge modules.

Free and open for use by anyone.


Burden of regular maintenance is on UCSB Apigee volunteer team

must perform updates of Drupal core in timely manner to keep abreast of security releases.

perform updates of Drupal modules regularly

UCSB Apigee volunteer team responsible for Theme development

UCSB office of Public Affairs theme is complex and is designed for marketing and is a poor fit for the utilitarian needs of the developer portal

Comes with a lot of Drupal modules that are not needed for developer portal 

Any custom modules used must be installed and maintained by UCSB Apigee volunteer team.  ???

UCSB Apigee volunteer team responsible for Theme developmentUpdates must be applied by Apigee team.

Apigee/Pantheon partnership


← see git repo 

Q: Is this a custom upstream provided by Apigee/Pantheon?  

A: Yes it is a custom upstream. Answered by Cara Kalnow of Pantheon via email. 2019-08-02