2018-11-13 Oregon State University - Apigee & Automation

2018-11-13 Oregon State University - Apigee & Automation

Meeting Details



Meeting Goals and Expected Preparation


Expected Preparation


TimeTopicOwnerNotes and Details
2mWelcome and ArrivalSteven Maglio


50mApigee and Automationgroup
  • UCSB uses the Swagger UI module in Drupal. We did some modifications to it. 
  • Does not support open API, and swagger 3.0. 
  • Workflow for 
    • created a new content type API Documentation, we do manual file upload, create the new page, fill in with data, upload the yaml file, API category type, which helps us to do the groupings. 
  • Security 
    • oAuth - they use it. User logs in thru SSO, APIs don't know anything about that. Use CAS. heir SSO does not provide proxy ... so they don't know the actual user. they are in the same boat as us. 
  • Docusign changed their pricing model and and now charge per signature, which made it very expensive. They are looking at Onbase, by highlands as a replacement. 
  • JSON API  - jsonapi.org - they adhere to this framework. 
  • They have 3 load balancers, Apigee balances between them.
  • At OSU - a manager of the requester has to sign off the access request, and the associated dean, and their Information Security Officer, not the data owner

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