Diana Antova Test the workflow with the Registrar office and fill in the documents, and have them approved for all published APIs.
Brought up by Ann Crawford with the following questions:
How do we request a use case for an API
What is the work flow? Possible status are : received, rejected (with reason ie duplicate), closed ( with deploy date), in test, in code
How do we search what's in the works?
Who will mange requests?
Specific use case from Ann Crawford:
Here is the API use case that I sent to housing for the photos.
Our use case is to get all new or changed photos for Type graduate or undergraduate with the perm (university ID)
New photos are perms we don't have a photo in the student health database.
Changed photos are those where the saved photo hash <> current photo hash for a given perm. Currently the sproc returns a hash of the photo so we can compare and save, along with a perm (university ID), Type, first name, last name. We don't use the first name or last name but it is good for testing.
A mailing list to send out general notifications for API Gateway/Developer Portal changes.
Things like when I updated the Pre- and Post- flow hooks
API Users/customers mailist for our users to subscribe, can use a google group, we can add any new API user to it. an issues is having access to the google API.
Write standard approach for departments that want to use Minor versions; using the approach is also optional.
Do we have this documented? Has this been turned into an Apigee Ticket?
Developer Portal Front Page Updates
In About Section
Diana Antova - Add page about winning the Sautter Award
Diana Antova - If Diana thinks its a good idea to add it to the main page, then she will work with Denise to do so
On front page
Ian Lessing (Unlicensed) - Will figure out how to add a message warning that there will be an outage of many APIs during the UC Path go line (9/16-9/17)