2021-01-14 - Meeting Notes

2021-01-14 - Meeting Notes





  • Updates on continuing development
  • Review, organize and add to work items

Focus points for this meeting

General update

Discussion items

  • Greetings and salutations


Contractor needs
  • Migrate site as is
  • Front page redesign 
  • SSO integration and teams feature

  •  Christian and Thomas enabled Splunk calls. Thomas promised the separate splunk instance by end of the year.

Developer Portal Migration to Drupal 8

 Dev environment on the local machine. Lando - we will have a local copy and one in Pantheon.  Error upgrading the site, once resolved he will proceed. Keep track of errors and resolution. Keep in the Jira ticket. 

Advantages of Lando is having a repeatable development environment, that can be used by all. 

 Navodit - working on the workflow migration, need a custom work-around. 4 options: 1- custom script to migrate the data, 2 - migrate it from the Drupal 7 to the Drupal 8 database, 3 - look if someone else has done it, so far cannot find any examples, 4 - manually migrate the workflow. Currently exploring the options and then will make a decision.

 Navodit manually recreated the rules on the local installation of Drupal 8. Developing a sql script that copies over the requests with their history from D7 to D8 database. There is a workflow tab now. Some workflow functionality is not available in Drupal 8. 

 content types, users, roles, permissions are migrated. Workflow history has been migrated. The workflow was setup manually. we have issues with the roles module. we either have to do custom coding, or create a custom module. There is another module that gives us the functionality. Navodit tested it and it is working perfectly. The rules module holds the events and logic for sending emails. The team decided to switch to the new business-rules module. Views have to be migrated.

Business Rules modules: https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/modules/business-rules

 Setup the rules and tested them. Next step - configure the ucsb developer V5 site on the Pantheon server so we can have it tested. Next - view migrations. Navodit will synch with the production site. Ian and Diana will test the workflows.

Navodit will resolve conflicts with the upstream updates. Then deploy to V5 and we will test it.

 workflow has been setup and business rules on the V5 database. Ready for testing by Ian and Diana. Getting database issue on the Pantheon server, related to database memory. Business rules module is using a lot of memory, more than the 5MB limit. Testing instructions: Configure rules in Business Rule module

 Ian/Diana testing update we ran into issues and will test next Thursday. Navodit - working on the issues that were reported by Ian. Working on view creation. Next will work on the swagger UI system.

Admin accounts were not enabled. There is an Administrator role in Drupal. We have created Portal Administrator role. 

 Navodit has tested the business rules of the workflow and they work as he expects. He is ready for Diana & Ian to start their workflow testing. Diana and Ian are scheduled to start their workflow testing this afternoon. Navodit has put his email into the workflow system so he recieves the notification emails; but Diana/Ian can update it with their email for their testing. (Navodit demo'd how to set the email)

Navodit is currently working on recreating the API Access Request and API Publishing Request views. Currently, the Status field is not displaying on these views. Since we are using a new workflow module in the D8 version, the migration of the data from the old D7 workflow tables didn't populate the new D8 workflow table. So, Navodit is developing a migration script which will populate the D8 workflow table upon data migration. This is not an issue for newly created API Access/Publishing requests, because it's being done in the D8 system which knows to update the D8 workflow table.

Apigee accounts needs
  • We need another account for the drupal connection to teh gateway. Steven created drupal@developer.ucsb.edu. Steven is checking with Apigee if this account will take a license.

API SecurityDiana Antova
  • Is it time to approach the campus identity team to discuss the oath and the security infrastructure for APIs.

Reports and alertsDiana Antova 

 Splunk2 might be ready in 2 weeks

 Still waiting to hear from Thomas Howard

 no update

Student Developed Applications

 Steven and Seth met with the students. They are continuing to grow the sites. Two new members of the team are taking over. Henry is graduating, Jimmy is staying.

Meeting and group focus year 2020
  • Project focus
    • In progress - Drupal 8  (see also Drupal 8 Migration High Level Requirements)
    • Pending - AWS - migrate the Heroku code and the sql server database
    • Pending - Account cleanup automation
    • Pending - Identity integration and automation 
  • Apigee Support
    • 1 FTE on the apigee team to help with student development oversight and support
    • Now the students have to contact so many groups to have their accounts setup, an FTE can really help with that. Adding the functionality to developer.ucsb.edu to create accounts.
      • Drupal - OK to work with a student
      • For other projects like identity account creation and others it will be difficult to work with a student

Action items


Instructions: Configure rules in Business Rule module

Testing the rules

Workflow - business rules

same rules are setup

same rule, conditions, actions

now we have workflow diagram

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