Apigee Module Comparison D7 -> D8

This page uses the Apigee Documentation as a frame of reference to determine which modules are going to be moved (and sometimes used in the future) in the Drupal 8 instance. The notes column contain information from UCSB’s usage.

(Original table copied from https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/publish/drupal/d7-d8-module-comparison)

Drupal 7 Module

Drupal 8 Module 


UCSB Notes
(Almost everything should start with the phrase “I would assume …”)

Drupal 7 Module

Drupal 8 Module 


UCSB Notes
(Almost everything should start with the phrase “I would assume …”)

Developer Portal - Core


Devconnect API (devconnect)

Apigee Edge


Core functionality that connects Drupal to Apigee Edge servers

DevConnect developer apps (devconnect_developer_apps)

Apigee Edge


Core functionality - Probably contains entity objects for working with Apigee Applications

DevConnect User (devconnect_user)

Apigee Edge


Core functionality - This connects the Drupal user accounts to the Apigee User accounts. This probably also sets up a hook that allows Drupal user account management to also manage the Apigee account.

Developer Portal - Extensions


Dev Portal Status Report (devconnect_status)


Status checks are handled by the Update Manager in Drupal 8 Core.


Devconnect Admin notification (devconnect_admin_notify)


Set admin email notifications for new users by Configuring user account settings.


DevConnect App Attribute Management (devconnect_app_attributes)

Apigee Edge


This seems like it would most likely be folded into the “developers apps” section in the D8 version.

DevConnect Debug (devconnect_debug)

Apigee Edge

Enable the "Apigee Edge Debug" submodule.

(I’ve did not use this in the D7 version)

DevConnect Key-Value Maps (devconnect_key_value_map)


Key-Value map calls to the Edge API are not part of the Drupal 8 Edge module. You can call the Apigee API directly or open an enhancement ticket on https://github.com/apigee/apigee-client-php if needed by your organization.

(I’ve did not use this in the D7 version)

DevConnect Limit API Product by Role (devconnect_apiproduct_access)


Enable the "Apigee Edge API product RBAC" submodule.

(I’ve did not use this in the D7 version)

Developer Portal - Mint


Apigee Company (apigee_company)

Apigee Monetization


This is a feature we did not use in the D7 version. This feature enables Teams functionality. We desire to use this in the future D8 version (once the migration has completed successfully). I’m a little surprised they they kept this “Teams” functionality in a separate module when redesigning everything for D8.

DevConnect Monetization (devconnect_monetization)

Apigee Monetization


(We do not use the monetization aspects. Nor do we plan to.)

DevConnect Monetization Base Recurring Payment (devconnect_mint_payment)


Custom code is required to configure a recurring Commerce payment provider.

(We do not use the monetization aspects. Nor do we plan to.)

DevConnect Monetization Payment (devconnect_monetization_payment)

Apigee Monetization

Enable the "Apigee Monetization Add Credit" submodule.

(We do not use the monetization aspects. Nor do we plan to.)

DevConnect Monetization Recurring Payment Worldpay (devconnect_mint_worldpay)


Any Drupal Commerce 2.x payment gateway may be used.

(We do not use the monetization aspects. Nor do we plan to.)

Developer Portal - Profile


Devconnect Blog (devconnect_blog)

Apigee Developer Portal Kickstart

The Developer Portal - Profile category of modules are used for the initial configuration of the D7P distribution. For D8P, the Kickstart distribution handles site configuration using Drupal configuration management. See Configuration Management for more details.

(We did not use this in the D7 version; nor do we plan to use it in D8.)

DevConnect blog content types (devconnect_blog_content_types)

Apigee Developer Portal Kickstart


(We did not use this in the D7 version; nor do we plan to use it in D8.)

Devconnect Content Creation Menu (devconnect_content_creation_menu)

Apigee Developer Portal Kickstart


(We did not use this in the D7 version; nor do we plan to use it in D8.)

Devconnect Context (devconnect_context)

Apigee Developer Portal Kickstart


(We did not use this in the D7 version; nor do we plan to use it in D8.)

Devconnect Default Structure (devconnect_default_structure)

Apigee Developer Portal Kickstart


(We did not use this in the D7 version; nor do we plan to use it in D8.)

Devconnect Homepage (devconnect_homepage)

Apigee Developer Portal Kickstart


(We did not use this in the D7 version; nor do we plan to use it in D8.)

Devconnect Views (devconnect_views)

Apigee Developer Portal Kickstart


(We did not use this in the D7 version; nor do we plan to use it in D8.)

Developer Portal - SmartDocs


SmartDocs (smartdocs)

Apigee API Catalog


(We did not find this functionality easy to use; we replaced it with the swagger_ui_formatter module.)

SmartDocs Attachments (smartdocs_attachment)

Apigee API Catalog


(We did not find this functionality easy to use; we replaced it with the swagger_ui_formatter module.)

SmartDocs Errors (smartdocs_error)

Apigee API Catalog


(We did not find this functionality easy to use; we replaced it with the swagger_ui_formatter module.)

SmartDocs Parameters (smartdocs_parameter)

Apigee API Catalog


(We did not find this functionality easy to use; we replaced it with the swagger_ui_formatter module.)



Accounts.apigee.com login (apigee_account)


Choose an SSO module compatible with Drupal 8.

(We did not use this in the D7 version. We would like to use the CAS module in the D8 version. Which we will need to configure to work with UCSB’s CAS SSO.)

Apigee Google Tag Manager (apigee_gtm)


Use Google Tag Manager instead.

(We did not use this in the D7 version)

Apigee Site Status Checklist (apigee_checklist)


Site Status monitoring included in Drupal 8 Core.

(I’ve did not use this in the D7 version)

Apigee SSO UI (apigee_sso_ui)


Choose an SSO module compatible with Drupal 8.

(I’ve did not use this in the D7 version)