This article will give instructions on how to search for a specific page of the UCSB Catalog within the administrative console for CoursedogCourseDog. This will not give instructions to search for a page within the public facing catalog itself.
Select the ‘Catalog’ option from the available products.
Upon logging into CourseDog you will either be immediately redirected to the ‘Your Products’ screen, and it looks like this:
Or you can select the product from the bento menu button in the upper right corner of the screen:
Navigate to the ‘Pages’ section of the Catalog Page Manager
The user You will be directed to the ‘Pages’ section (a repository of all catalog pages in Coursedog). This section will display all published and unpublished pages that are in the Catalog.
Make sure to select “2024-2025 General Catalog” from the “Catalog” drop down at the top of the page:
From here, the user has you have the ability to:
Use Quick Filters via Coursedog's preselected interface
Use the Page Search utility
Default view, displays all published and unpublished pages.
Custom Pages
Shows only those pages that were custom built by UCSB Registrar staff, mainly used for the policy and student life pages.
Pre-Built Pages
Pre-built by Coursedog CourseDog when certain criteria in the Curriculum application are met (i.e. when a department or program is added to CoursedogCourseDog, a page is automatically generated here)
Page Search field is located near the top of the page, just under the Quick Filters:
This field allows the user you to enter a text string, and any page titles that have that string will be returned. This does not search within the body of the page, only the page titles.