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20 min

Demo of Apigee portal

Diana Antova Steven Maglio


  • Demo site

  • Account creation

    • ucsb accounts approved always

    • non-ucsb accounts - only with a valid need to have access

    • other accounts are deleted

  • Security implementation

    • Apigee keys

    • SIST security

  • API products

20 min

API Publish Process

Diana Antova

  • Publishing developer submits a form that goes thru a workflow

  • Workflow states

    • Initial review - Developer

    • Pending More Info Initial - API Admin

    • Business Review - API Admin, Business Approver

    • Pending More Info Business - Business Approver

    • Business Approved/ In Technical Review - API Admin, Business Approver

    • Pending More Info Admin - API Admin, Business Approver

    • Published- API Admin

    • Cancelled - Developer, API Admin

    • Business Denied - Business Approver

    • Admin Denied - API Admin

    • Retired - API Admin

20 min

Application API Request Process

Diana Antova

  • Developer creates application and requests access to API products (standard Apigee functionality)

  • Proposal: to develop an approval workflow process within the portal

    • Have a record of each application, contact information, description, and the API approval

    • All information is kept in the portal and easily accessible.

    • The form can be saved as a pdf and emailed to Registrar for their records

    • Visibility of the documents - can we show them to everyone with an account?

    • Access Request Workflow Requirements

  • Alternative: we continue to use the registrar access request form and save copies in Box

    • Pros: already established method

    • Cons:

      • documentation is not easily accessible

      • not everyone campus has access to the Box folder

      • there will be other approvers for non-student APIs
